Task 1
The Data Protection Act 1998 covers all personal information, including both information that is handwritten and information that is stored on a computer.
Using the internet research the principles of the Data Protection Act and complete the spider diagram below, then answer the question at the bottom of the page in the space provided.
Having a slight issue with diagram, so please see below.
The act contains eight “Data Protection Principles”. These specify that personal data must be:
1. Processed fairly and lawfully.
2. Obtained for specified and lawful purposes.
3. Adequate, relevant and not excessive.
4. Accurate and up to date.
5. Not kept any longer than necessary.
6. Processed in accordance with the “data subject’s” (the individual’s) rights.
7. Securely kept.
8. Not transferred to any other country without adequate protection in situ.
Why is it important to keep to these principles?
Task 2
Answer the questions below in the spaces provided.
Why is it important to reassure children, young people and adults of the importance of confidentiality at your setting?
Why is it also important to ensure that children, young people and adults understand that there are certain circumstances in which you cannot promise confidentiality?
Task 3
Answer the following questions in the spaces provided.
You are approached by the mother of a child in your classroom, 6 year old