What you already know
Organise what you know about the reaction of marble chips with hydrochloric acid into three categories.
Practical techniques equipment and methods
Observations / data / summaries of data including from previous experimental work, e.g. graphs, or statements summarising a trend/pattern
inferences, models, type of reaction, equations
A mathematical model
The rate could be proportional to the concentration of acid: rHCl ∝[HCl] or rHCl = k[HCl] rHCl = rate of change of concentration of HCl
(mol dm–3 s –1) k = a constant (the rate constant)
[HCl] = concentration of HCl (mol dm-3)
If this was the mathematical relationship between rate and concentration, what would the graph look like?
A mathematical model rHCl = k[HCl]
If the rate is proportional to the concentration of acid…
…the graph will look like this.
Double the concentration, and the rate doubles.
Sterile techniques in surgical settings (military) John Snow Infection control & epidemiology Cholera outbreak in London Joseph Lister Antiseptic techniques Listerine Ignaz Semmelweiz Handwashing Perpetual Fever caused deaths of mothers Death rates increased in ward w/ med students (using cadavers & not washing hands in b/t patients) Germ Theory of Disease Formulated by Pasteur, proved by Koch *The theory that many disease are caused by the presence and actions of microorganisms in the body…
*It’s that time again! I’ll add each review as he posts them. Don’t adjust colors, etc.--except for answers in one diff color unless you have saved it on your own desktop, thanks! ***make sure not to try and copy this document because it could delete the entire thing, if you want to save it go to file and then download it**** JUST ADDED THE 3RD REVIEW*** Study guide for lecture that was cancelled: Page 253 -Be able to recognize the definition of a bursa or a tendon sheath. Be able to recognize…