Taylor Mattingly
1. The characteristics that separate early, middle, and late adulthood are:
In the early adulthood stage, adults who are between 20 and 30, there are many physical changes that occur. Increase in hormone levels which stimulate height and weight, both of these changes will reach full maturity in the early adulthood stage, adults in the early adulthood are at their full physical strength, flexibility, and are at their peak health. Fertility starts to decline in the early adulthood stage and regular exercise increases cardiovascular and respiratory capacity.
In the middle adulthood stage, adults who are entering their 40’s, their bodies begin to slow down. They start to show signs of aging such as their heart and lungs aren’t at their full capacity anymore. Their bone density begins to drop a little and women enter menopause which causes a huge hormonal change. Adults in the middle adulthood lose their skin elasticity; their rate of metabolism slows which causes weight gain. Hearing and eye sight begin to detiriate as well and the reproduction system starts to slow down.
In the late adulthood stage, adults who are 65 and older, their bodies cells start to fail at regenerating the dead or malfunctioning cells, their major organs begin to slow down, the cardiovascular, respiratory, and urinary systems begin to be effected. Their heart and lungs aren’t at their full capacity anymore and their immune system becomes weaker which may lead them to becoming more susceptible to infection or disease. Their bones become weaker and their joints may start to ache with osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. Decrease in height, weight, strength, and flexibility are all results of late adulthood.
2. The last three stages of Erik Erickson’s social development are the Young adulthood stage, the middle adulthood stage, and the late adulthood stage or the maturity stage.
In the young adulthood stage, there is a basic conflict called Intimacy vs. Isolation. In this stage, young adults need to form intimate and loving relationships with other people. Success leads to strong relationships and failure leads to loneliness and isolation. Relationships happen during this stage.
In the middle adulthood stage, there is a basic conflict called Generativity vs. Stagnation. In this stage, adults need to create or nurture things that will outlast them, whether that be by having children or creating a positive change that benefits other people. Success leads to feelings of usefulness and accomplishment while failure leads to low involvement in the world. Parenthood and work happen during this stage.
In the late