Nearly 70% of the earth’s surface is covered in water and our planet has a seemingly endless expanse of navigable oceans. Throughout all of history the usage and control of all kinds of waterways such as rivers, canals, and straits have had economic and political effects on many societies. When access to water is limited it is not good for humans and it can be stressful. From providing fertile soil to being the only route between bodies of water, strategic waterways have played a major part in developing the world into what it is today.
Waterways have had many economic effects on society throughout history. One example of how a waterway has helped out an economy is the Nile River in Egypt. The
Nile River produces water to drink , irrigation for their crops, powers some of their factories, and supports their livestock. The ancient egyptians consider it a gift from god, and believe that without it they will not live (Document 1). The Nile is a major transportation route and it helped with transportation of materials used to build the great pyramids and other buildings in Egypt. Clothing comes from cattle which can help the economy by being sold, also fish and corn have a major effect on the economy.
Another waterway that has had a big effect on economic life in a region is the Panama
Canal. This is important to world trade because it has made traveling much easier. The
Panama Canal connects to the atlantic and pacific oceans at the narrowest point between
North and South America which is a major factor in the economies of many countries.
It has spurred economic development in more remote regions of the trade all over the
earth (Document 5). This is important to world trade because it has saved time and money getting to areas around the globe. The Panama Canal is a very important part of global economy and is also a major route between the far east and the east coast of the
United States. It also allows the west coast of the U.S. to trade with European countries quickly and easily. The last and final economic effect is the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea started receding in the 1960’s after water sources were diverted the by the Soviet Union. The actions of the Soviets cost Aral Sea half of its former size and a third of its volume
(Document 4). This behavior has caused