(ž¸¸£÷¸ ¬¸£ˆÅ¸£ ˆÅ¸ „œ¸ÇÅŸ¸/A Govt. of India undertaking) (œÏ.ˆÅ¸. ¤¸½¿Š¸¥¸»£/H.O.BANGALORE) IF (GEN) 1845 ‰¸¸÷¸¸ ¬¸¿¿./Account No. ¬¸½¨¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿/To: œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ/¨¸¢£«“ œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å›¸£¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ/CANARA BANK, ---------------------------------------------¢›¸¨¸¸¬¸ú ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸¸½¿ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ‰¸¸÷¸¸ ‰¸¸½¥¸›¸½ ˆÅ¸ œ¸€¸Ÿ¸Ä ACCOUNT OPENING FORM FOR NON RESIDENT INDIANS ›¸¸Ÿ¸ ‡¨¸¿ œ¸÷¸¸/NAME & ADDRESS: ˆ¼Åœ¸¡¸¸ ›¸ú¸½ ¢™‡ Š¸‡ ¤¡¸¸½£½ ˆ½Å ‚›¸º¬¸¸£ ‡ˆÅ ‰¸¸÷¸¸ ‰¸¸½¥¸½¿ (›¸¸Ÿ¸ ¬œ¸«’ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¸Ô¸®¸£¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ œ¸»£¸ ¢¥¸‰¸½¿) Please open an account as per details below (in capital letters & expanded initials) œÏ˜¸Ÿ¸ ›¸¸Ÿ¸ Ÿ¸š¡¸ ›¸¸Ÿ¸ ‚¿¢÷¸Ÿ¸ ›¸¸Ÿ¸ FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME LAST NAME 1. œ¸í¥¸¸ ‚¸¨¸½™ˆÅ/First Applicant 2. ™»¬¸£¸ ‚¸¨¸½™ˆÅ/Second Applicant 3. ÷¸ú¬¸£¸ ‚¸¨¸½™ˆÅ/Third Applicant 4. ¸¸¾˜¸¸ ‚¸¨¸½™ˆÅ/Fourth Applicant ¢¨¸™½©¸ ˆÅ¸ œ¸÷¸¸/ Overseas address _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ûŸ½›¸ ¬¸¿ Phone No. (‚¸ƒÄ.‡¬¸.”ú. ˆ»Å’ ˆ½Å ¬¸¸˜¸/with ISD Code)_________________________ ƒÄ-Ÿ¸½¥¸/E MAIL____________________ œ¸¾€Æ¬¸ ¬¸¿./FAX NO.______________________ ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ œ¸÷¸¸/Indian Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ œ¸€¸½›¸ ¬¸¿./Phone No. ____________________________ ‚›¡¸ ¤¡¸¸½£¸/Other Details ˆ¼Åœ¸¡¸¸ „¬¸ œ¸÷¸½ œ¸£ ¢›¸©¸¸›¸ ¥¸Š¸¸‡¿ ¸í¸Â ”¸ˆÅ ¸¸›¸ú ¸¸¢í‡ (¡¸¢™ ‚¸œ¸ ‚œ¸›¸¸ ”¸ˆÅ ˆÅ¸½ £¸½ˆ½Å £‰¸›¸¸ ¸¸í÷¸½ í¸½¿, ÷¸¸½ ¤¸¸ÁƬ¸ œ¸£ ¥¸Š¸¸‡¿ Please Tick Address to which mail to be sent. If you want your mail held, please tick the box ¸›Ÿ¸ ¢÷¸¢˜¸ (‚¨¸¡¸¬ˆÅ ˆ½Å Ÿ¸¸Ÿ¸¥¸½ Ÿ¸½¿) / Date of Birth (in case of minor)_________________ Stamp size Photo of Third Applicant Latest photo Stamp size Photo of First Applicant Latest photo Stamp size Photo of Second Applicant Latest photo Stamp size Photo of Fourth Applicant Latest photo 1 (ž¸¸£÷¸ ¬¸£ˆÅ¸£ ˆÅ¸ „œ¸ÇÅŸ¸/A Govt. of India undertaking) (œÏ.ˆÅ¸. ¤¸½¿Š¸¥¸»£/H.O.BANGALORE) ‰¸¸½¥¸½ ¸¸›¸½ ¨¸¸¥¸½ ‰¸¸÷¸½ ˆÅ¸ œÏˆÅ¸£ /TYPE OF ACCOUNT TO BE OPENED ˆ¼Åœ¸¡¸¸ ¤¸¸ÁƬ¸(¤¸¸ÁƬ¸¸¸½¿) œ¸£ ¥¸Š¸¸‡¿ Ÿ¸ºÍ¸ ¨¸ £¸¢©¸ / Please Tick box(es) Currency and Amt. 1. ¢¨¸™½©¸ú Ÿ¸ºÍ¸ (‚¢›¸¨¸¸¬¸ú) ¬¸¸¨¸¢š¸ ¸Ÿ¸¸ ‰¸¸÷¸¸ (¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅú ¡¸¸½¸›¸¸) - ¬¸¸š¸¸£μ¸ ¤¡¸¸¸ (¢¨¸.Ÿ¸º.’.[¤¸ÿˆÅ] ¬¸¸.¸Ÿ¸¸) / Foreign Currency (Non Resident) Term Deposit Account (Bank Scheme) Simple Interest (FCNR(B) FDR) 2. ¢¨¸™½©¸ú Ÿ¸ºÍ¸ (‚¢›¸¨¸¸¬¸ú) ¬¸¸¨¸¢š¸ ¸Ÿ¸¸ ‰¸¸÷¸¸ (¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅú ¡¸¸½¸›¸¸) - ¸ÇŨ¸¼¢Ö ¤¡¸¸¸ - ŽŸ¸¸íú ‚¿÷¸£¸¥¸¸½¿ œ¸£ −¸½Š¸¸ (¢¨¸.Ÿ¸º.’.[¤¸ÿˆÅ] ˆÅ¸Ÿ¸š¸½›¸º ¸Ÿ¸¸) / Foreign Currency (Non Resident) Term Deposit Account (Banks Scheme)-Compounded interest half yearly rests (FCNR-B-KDR) 3. ‚¢›¸¨¸¸¬¸ú (¤¸¸à¸) ¬¸¸¨¸¢š¸ ¸Ÿ¸¸ - ¬¸¸š¸¸£μ¸ ¤¡¸¸¸ .. .. .. .. .. ². Ÿ¸½¿ (‚¢›¸. ¤¸¸à¸ - ¬¸¸.¸Ÿ¸¸) / Non Resident (External) Term Deposit Simple Interest in Rs. (NRE-FDR) 4. ‚¢›¸¨¸¸¬¸ú ¤¸¸à¸ (œ¸º›¸¢›¸Ä¨¸½©¸ ¡¸¸½¸›¸¸) ¸Ÿ¸¸ - ¸ÇŨ¸¼¢Ö ¤¡¸¸¸ ¢÷¸Ÿ¸¸íú .. .. .. .. .. ². Ÿ¸½¿ (‚¢›¸. ¤¸¸à¸-ˆÅ¸ ¸Ÿ¸¸) Non Resident External (Re-investment Plan) Deposit - Compound interest- Quarterly .. .. .. .. .. in Rs. (NRE-KDR) 5. ‚¢›¸¨¸¸¬¸ú ¤¸¸à¸ ‚¸¨¸÷¸úÄ ¸Ÿ¸¸ .. .. .. .. .. .. ². Ÿ¸½¿ (‚¢›¸. ¤¸¸à¸-ˆÅ¸ ¸Ÿ¸¸)/ Non-Resident (External) Recurring Deposit .. .. .. .. .. ..in Rs. (NRE-RD) 6. ‚¢›¸¨¸¸¬¸ú (¬¸¸Ÿ¸¸›¡¸) ¤¸¸÷¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ‰¸¸÷¸¸ / ¸¸¥¸» ‰¸¸÷¸¸ / ¬¸¸¨¸¢š¸ ¸Ÿ¸¸ ‰¸¸÷¸¸ (¬¸¸¨¸¢š¸ ¸Ÿ¸¸) (ˆ½Å¨¸¥¸ ¬¸¸š¸¸£μ¸ ¤¡¸¸¸ ²œ¸¡¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ (‡›¸’¸£’¸½) - ¤¸.¤¸ÿ./¸¸.‰¸¸./¬¸¸.¸Ÿ¸¸) / Non Resident (Ordinary) Savings Bank Account / Current Account / Term Deposit Account (FDR) (Simple Interest Only) in Rs. (NRO SB/NRO CA/NRO-FDR) 7. ‚¢›¸¨¸¸¬¸ú (¤¸¸à¸) ¤¸¸÷¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ‰¸¸÷¸¸ / ¸¸¥¸» ‰¸¸÷¸¸ ². Ÿ¸½¿ (‚¢›¸¨¸¸¬¸ú ¸¸¥¸» ‰¸¸÷¸¸) /Non Resident (External) Savings Bank A/c/Current A/c. in Rs. (NRECA) ‚¨¸¢š¸ / Period 2 (ž¸¸£÷¸ ¬¸£ˆÅ¸£ ˆÅ¸ „œ¸ÇÅŸ¸/A Govt. of India undertaking) (œÏ.ˆÅ¸. ¤¸½¿Š¸¥¸»£/H.O.BANGALORE) ¬¸¿£¸›¸¸ /Constitution ¨¡¸¢Æ÷¸Š¸÷¸ / Individual (‡ˆÅ¥¸/¬¸¿¡¸ºÆ÷¸/Single/Joint) ¢Ÿ¸¢ª÷¸ œ¸»Â¸ú