A concept analysis of ‘forensic’ nursing
Alyson McGregor Kettles and Phil Woods . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Julia Keen
The journal for all members of the
Forensic Psychiatric Nurses Association.
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Motivating convicted sex offenders into treatment: a pilot study
Eleni Theodosi and Mary McMurran . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
A cognitive behavioural group-based educational programme for psychotic symptoms in a low secure setting: a pilot evaluation
Erica McInnis, William Sellwood and Clair Jones . . . . .36
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ISSN 1463–6646
Pavilion Editor
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Inducing traumatic attachment in adults with a history of child abuse: forensic applications
Felicity de Zulueta
Childhood trauma is very likely to produce ill-health and psychiatric disorder in adulthood. The paper discusses attachment theory and various forms of insecure attachment to the parent/caregiver, particularly disorganised attachment behaviour and the traumatic attachment response. Eliciting the (usually hidden) traumatic attachment in adults can give access to the patient’s representational models of their parents, allowing a basis for treatment of disorders. The paper describes and illustrates the use of the TAIT technique for eliciting such models.
The importance of childhood trauma in the genesis of violence and adult ill-health in general can no longer be ignored. The Adverse
Childhood Experience (ACE) study carried out in the USA showed that adverse childhood experiences (such as emotional abuse, neglect and family dysfunction) were much more common than previously acknowledged, and that they have a powerful relationship with illhealth 50 years later (Felitti et al, 1998).
Of 17,337 adults responding to a questionnaire, 11% reported being emotionally abused as a child, 30.1% reported physical abuse and 19.9% sexual abuse. In
Jonathan Carroll Professor: Andrew Crowthe Individual Project 2: History of Golf 4/22/13 According to Author Mick Euan Tait, “Golf was invented on the eastern coast of Scotland in the late 15th century. Players of the game started to hit small stones around on a flat but very hilly course with man size sand bunkers and rabbit holes. That is why most people believe Scottish and English people created the great game of Golf.” In 1421, Scotland had a lot of different sports that include…
one of the companies that have been successful in generating solid growth throughout its history. The goal of this essay is to analyze the external factors that influenced the internal strategy of the company through sources like journals, articles, newspapers and the company’s website. In addition, a stakeholders’ analysis was used to evaluate the conflicting interests influencing the company’s strategy. Strategic tools such as PESTEL, Porter’s 5 forces, Boston Matrix, SWOT, among others were…
Differentiated Instruction Ginny Marshall AET/525 August 6, 2012 Jennifer Churchill-Allen Differentiate Instruction There are no two students in a classroom with identical abilities, experiences, or needs. Learning style, background knowledge, readiness to learn, and other factors can vary greatly within a class. Regardless of individual differences, students are expected to master the same concepts, principles, and skills. Helping all students succeed in their learning is an enormous…
Teen Homelessness in America Anthony Clary Liberty University HSCO 500 Dr. Alicia Adkins September 29, 2013 Abstract Evidence has shown that teen homeless across America is ongoing and impacts youth of all cultures and backgrounds. There are millions of youth that are homeless in the United States. The typical ages of homeless youth are eighteen and younger. In America the average youth becomes homeless by age fourteen (www.safehorizon.com). Youth can become homeless…