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CACC Training Aid 17T5 Last Modified 6 Jan 06
For Adults: Step 1. CALL
• Check the victim for unresponsiveness. If there is no response,
Call 911 and return to
QuickTime™ and a the victim. In most
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CPR instructions
Define: Unresponsiveness
• During cardiac arrest, the • Sometimes a person in heart stops pumping cardiac arrest may make blood, the blood pressure grunting, gasping or snoring falls to zero and the pulse type breathing sounds for a disappears. Within 10 couple of minutes. Do not be seconds of cardiac arrest confused by this abnormal the person loses type of breathing.If a person consciousness and is unresponsive (doesn't becomes unresponsive. If respond to shouts or shakes) you shake or shout at the and not breathing (or is victim, there will be no breathing abnormally) then response. call 911 and begin CPR.
• Tilt the head back and listen for breathing. If not breathing normally, pinch nose and cover the mouth
QuickTime™ and a with yours and blow until
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor you see the chest rise. are needed to see this picture.
Give 2 breaths. Each breath should take 2 seconds. Define: Abnormal Breathing
• Remember a person in cardiac arrest may have abnormal breathing for a couple of minutes.
• This abnormal breathing is called "agonal respiration" and is the result of the brain's breathing center sending out signals even though circulation has ceased.
• The key point is that the abnormal breathing may sound like grunting, gasping or snoring.
• It disappears in 2-3 minutes. If you see this type of breathing DO NOT delay CPR.
• The person desperately needs air and only you can provide it. 3. PUMP HARD, PUMP FAST
• If the victim is still not breathing normally, coughing or moving, begin chest compressions. Push
QuickTime™ and a down on the chest 11/2 to
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
2 inches 30 times right are needed to see this picture. between the nipples.
Pump at the rate of
100/minute, faster than once per second.
Pushing on the Chest
• In general the chest should be pushed down 11/2-2 inches. Sometimes you may hear a cracking sound. Do not be alarmed. The sound
QuickTime™ and a is caused by cartilage or ribs
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor cracking. Even if this occurs are needed to see this picture. the damage is not serious.
The risk of delaying CPR or not doing CPR is far greater than the risk of a broken rib.
Continue to Pump and Blow
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CPR. In two-person CPR the person pumping the chest stops while the other gives mouth-to-mouth breathing. Complications of CPR
• The spread of infection from the victim to the rescuer is exceedingly rare. Most cardiac arrests occur in people's homes - relatives or friends will be the ones needing to do CPR. Even CPR performed on strangers has an exceedingly rare risk of infection. There is NO documentation of HIV or AIDS ever being transmitted via
• Vomiting is the most frequently encountered complication of CPR. If the victim starts to vomit, turn the