Medical Assistance Program
Eligibility Office locations
1111 E. Cesar Chavez Austin 972-5300
Cesar Chavez
Del Valle Community Center
3518 FM 973 Del Valle 247-4407
8656 Hwy 71 West, Bldg. A. 1st Floor Austin 854-2130
Oak Hill Community Center
M edical
Manor Community Center
600 W. Carrie Manor Austin 272-5561
15822 Foothill Farms Loop, Bldg. D Pflugerville 251-8202
Pflugerville Community Center
South Austin Community Health Center
2529 S. First Street Austin 972-5300
A ssistance P rogram
Northeast Austin Community Health Center
7112 Ed Bluestein Austin 972-5300
What is MAP?
For bus service information, call Capital Metro at 474-1200 or CARTS at 478-7433. Para información sobre el servicios de aútobus llame a Capital Metro al 474-1200 or CARTS al 474-7433.
The Medical Assistance Program (MAP) provides access to health care through networks of established providers for those Travis County residents who meet eligibility criteria. MAP is funded by the Travis County Healthcare District and administered by the City of Austin Community Care Services Department.
¿Qué es MAP?
The Medical Assistance Program serves the healthcare needs of eligible residents in Travis County and is funded by the Travis County Healthcare District. El Programa de Asistencia Médica atiende las necesidades de salud de los residentes elegibles del Condado de Travis y está financiado por el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Travis. The Travis County Healthcare District is committed to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and access to communications will be provided upon request. El Distrito de Salud del Condado de Travis y la Ciudad de Austin están comprometidos a cumplir con la Ley de Americanos con Discapacidades (ADA). Modificaciones razonables y acceso al edificio serán provistas bajo pedido.
El Programa de Asistencia Médica (MAP) se proporcionar acceso a atención médica por groupos de medicos profesionales establecidos para aquellos residentes del condado de Travis que llenan los requisitos de elegibilidad. MAP está financiado por el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Travis y administrado por el Departamento de Servicios de Atención Comunitaria de la Ciudad de Austin.
Who may qualify for MAP?
• Travis County residents with family incomes at
or below 100 percent of the Federal Poverty Index Guidelines, who meet asset guidelines, and have no other health care coverage (such as Medicaid or Medicare).
What should I take to the MAP eligibility interview?
For each family member 1. Birth certificate or passport
Medical Assistance Program
Para cada miembro de la familia
¿Qué necesita llevar a la entrevista de elegibilidad de MAP?
• Travis County residents who are disabled or el-
derly with incomes at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Index Guidelines, who meet asset guidelines, and have no other health care coverage (such as Medicaid or Medicare). Travis County residents with Medicaid or Medicare will not qualify for MAP benefits. Persons who do not qualify for MAP may be eligible for other programs that offer health care services at reduced rates.
2. Identification – for adults only (example: Texas Driver’s License or ID, out-of-state ID, foreign ID) 3. Social Security card (if available) 4. Income verification – proof of earned or unearned income for past four (4) weeks (example: employment, Social Security, child support, TANF, unemployment benefits, proof of alien sponsor’s income, etc.) 5. Insurance verification – Medicare, Medicaid, or insurance card/letter (if applicable)
1. Acta de nacimiento o pasaporte
2. Identificación – sólo para adultos (por ejemplo: Documento de identidad (ID) o licencia de conducir de Texas, documento de identidad de otro estado o país) 3. Tarjeta del seguro social (si tiene una) 4. Verificación de ingresos – comprobante de ingreso del trabajo o no derivado del trabajo de las