Synopsis Of Quantitative Reasoning For Business Essay
Submitted By Michelle2386
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Pages: 2
Synopsis of Quantitative Reasoning for Business
Michelle Nwosu
May 22nd, 2014.
The past few weeks in this course have been fulfilling in terms of me acquiring more knowledge than I could have ever imagined. Quantitative Reasoning for business course was designed to help with quantitative reasoning skills to business problems, analyze data using analytical tools and techniques. Over this period I have learnt how equation are used to solve problems , a mathematical statement in which two quantities are equal helps to find an unknown by isolating the variables , percentage forms ,cost mark-up and mark down , statistics and financial statements. However, I must say that this course had a tremendous effect on the way I am going to approach both professional and personal decisions. It enhanced my skills of quantitative reasoning. It also gave a different perspective on how math plays an important role in our everyday life and also used to solve problems. Quantitative reasoning also gave me a better way of analyzing a situation both business and personal by analyzing data using mean, mode and median. Learning to read charts and graphs and also misleading graphs. Although we need professionals such as lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors, this course has given us more knowledge on what these professionals do for us and how we can read and analyze the information given to us by this professionals. For example , Investment Bankers