Course Syllabus: ACCT 4540 & 5540 Accounting Information Systems Fall 2013 Monday - 6:00 to 8:50 pm - Classroom: KOBL 320 Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail: Office Hours: Lisa Clark 215J Koelbel Hall (Leeds School of Business building) 303.570.6196 - Please feel free to call with questions 7 days a week anytime between 9 am and 9 pm. Via Skype: Tuesday 8 – 9pm, Thursday 8 – 9pm, and by appointment. My Skype ID is: lclarkcuboulder. Please make full use of office hours. I am here to help you! Kay, Donna. And Ovlia, Ali. (2011). Accounting Information Systems, The Crossroads of Accounting & IT. 1st Edition, Prentice Hall. ISBN: 978-0-13213252-7 At the CourseSmart website there are text rental options and electronic purchase options: SAP - You will be provided access to SAP early in the semester and use it to complete multiple exercises that cover the main topics of the course. The access is free for student use in this class. Gleim CPA review – Students taking this course for graduate level credit will be required to purchase access to the Gleim CPA review module that covers IT content on the CPA exam. Additional details will be provided later in the semester. Website: Copies of the PowerPoint slides used in class will be posted on D2L. You are expected to download copies of these (either electronic or hard-copy) and to have them with you in class. The pace of the lecture will presume that you have these in front of you. Often you will not have time in class to manually copy the information on the slides. Other handouts will also be posted on the website. We will not specifically cover all the slides in class; slides not covered can help you organize your study. In May 2011, the faculty and administration of the Leeds School issued new grading guidelines beginning in Fall 2011. The guidelines place a recommended maximum limit on the average grade (across all students in the course) that can be assigned in a given course where A=4.0, A- =3.7, B+=3.3, B=3.0, B- =2.7, C+=2.4, C=2.0, C- =1.7, D+=1.3, D=1.0, D- =0.7, and F=0.0. For a 4000/5000 level course such as this, the recommended maximum course average should not exceed 3.2. The guidelines also provide a recommended grade distribution where 15% of the
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BSAD 161 Intermediate Accounting I Spring 2015 Instructor: Susan B. Hughes, Ph.D., CPA Office: 314 Kalkin Hall Office Hours: Wednesday 1:00 – 3:30 and by appointment Phone: 802 656 0504 E-Mail: Materials: Things you need to acquire: Texts: Intermediate Accounting. Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield (Wiley, 15th edition, with access to WileyPlus). Available at the Bookstore. Access to: class URL: Additional…