Essay on Swan’s Ice Arena

Words: 968
Pages: 4

Swan’s Ice Arena

Strengths Opportunities
 It is the only indoor ice rink in a northern U.S. city.
 Newly installed soft lights and selected music.
 The rink is big enough to have 700 people at one time.
 Offering ice skating program.  Winter is a popular season to skating.
 Holding some “social activity” as roller skating rinks do.
Weaknesses Threats
 Weather variability
 The program does not attract as many people as Swan think.
 Generating more cost and less revenue  The city’s recreation department operates outdoor rinks in the winter.
 Online games and networking makes more youth stay home rather than meet friends in weekend evening.

Profits come from customers. As long as Swan wants to make profits, he

Third, Swan can hire a professional trainer and hold a competition. From this point, outdoor rink can do it too. Finally, I think indoor ice rink is a competitive advantage. From what we analysis, I believe Swan’ ice rink can avoid head-on competition.
Swan’s ice rink has 14 public sessions. The Friday and Saturday evening is disappointed, so we focus on this session.
We surround by fast food, and intake high calories everyday. Especially teenagers, they eat snacks all the time and lack of exercise. Obesity is common phenomenon in the society. For parents, they concern obesity may cause some diseases. For girls, they concern their figure. Besides the figure, Weekend evening is off school, the have plenty time to come to ice rink do some exercises. Also, Swan found that youth like to race in the rink. So target market of this session will be obese teenagers who want to keep their figure and who want to learn a sport.
Our service is to train these teenagers. Skating is not only an entertainment, but also a kind of sport. Youth will keep their figure and learn something at the same time. Swan can hire a professional trainer. Rink will also supply organic coffee and healthy food. At the finally part of the training, Swan will hold a competition or performance between teenagers, and winner get great trophy. Competition will encourage them practice.
The service place---- training place---- is Swan’s ice rink. Training time will