Sustainment Brigade and Maintenance Company Essay

Submitted By money111
Words: 496
Pages: 2

Soldiers conduct PMCS
Fort Stewart: In preparation for the upcoming M16 Range, 632nd Maintenance Company Soldiers assiduously perform Preventative Maintenance Check and Services (PMCS) on their weapons; Included in this process are the small arms artillery repairers. I had the pleasure of observing SSG Brian Redding from the 632nd Maintenance Company perform a very important and detailed alignment and PMCS of a M16 weapon along with the M68 reflex sight, and I can undoubtedly say that these Soldiers definitely know the intricacy of the M16. SSG Redding adjusted the sights on a M16, as part of the procedures outlined in the Army’s Field Manual, FM 3-22.9. He explained “this process is important as it allows the Soldiers to have pinpoint accuracy when engaging a target, and also ensures that the first shot group hits the 25-meter zero target when zeroing the weapon on the range.” It was reported by several Soldiers that their average qualification score went up exponentially after utilizing the reflex sight.
The M16 has been the standard weapon for the Army for years, for that reason it’s vital that Soldiers do a proper PMCS before every use. Reports showed that often the gun suffered from a stoppage known as “failure to extract,” which meant that a spent cartridge case remained lodged in the chamber after the bullet flew out the muzzle. There are several documented accounts of troops killed by enemy fire with inoperable rifles due to lacked of proper maintenance. The commander from 632nd Maintenance Company is ensuring its Soldiers safety by providing them with the tools and skills needed to stay trained and alive in combat.

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