Everyone has a passion for something; some have passion for sports, others for music, but very few for ‘The Cure’. My passion is the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation because I admired the avenues this foundation provides for women battling this vicious disease of breast cancer. They have provided worldwide awareness and have developed sisterhoods beyond the fight for the cure. If given the privilege to spend a day of service with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, it will be an honor because I would be able to interact with activists, sponsors, caretakers and most importantly the survivors.
The day of service would grant me the opportunity to be in the presence of women who truly exemplify courage, strength, and endurance. As an activist, it would broaden the horizon of knowledge one can learn from common interactions. It has also opened doors to spread awareness to common people who aren’t aware of this illness among women in hopes to get them more involved with the movement. This experience will humble me more than ever to be grateful for the women in my family and their health, as well as being able to honor them for their struggle.
The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation really was an eye opener for me and my family when my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. They provided financial support and resources to assist our family with health providers, equipment, and support groups. They also made an effort to accommodate the caretakers along with the patients in teaching how this disease affects the body and what is being done to eradicate it. This motivated me to research the mysteries of breast cancer and find the possibilities of conquering the battle of this disease. From there I knew what I wanted my involvement to be and that is being an activist for the women who could not fight for themselves; physically, financially, and spiritually.
I knew from my grandmother’s experience, this disease can take a toll on the physical body and cause financial distress to families, but I was always taught to trust God and exercise my faith in expecting a true