Essay on Sun Microsystems Strategic Positioning

Words: 5065
Pages: 21

Susan L. Elvins
National American University

History, Strategy, International

This thesis will discuss the corporate strategy of Sun Microsystems and the multiple issues they have faced both domestic and internationally. Sun Microsystems provides open source software applications and different types of hardware for business consumers. A benefit Sun Microsystems provides with new technology to customers is offering them the ability to trade computer parts when upgrading.


Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii

in Santa Clara, California. The latest date of 2007 annual reports confirms this company now has 34,000 employees worldwide. According to Hoovers, the top three executives are Jonathan I. Schwartz, President, CEO and Director, then Scott G. McNealy, Chairman, and then Gregory M. Papadopoulos, EVP Research and Development and CTO. (Hoovers, 2008) Since 1982, Sun Microsystems has believed, “The Network is the Computer” to achieve their company success. History In 1983, Sun made enough revenue to open operations overseas in Europe. (Sun, 2008) This new overseas office gave many capabilities to what Sun could accomplish. For example, Sun opened their doors in multiple international countries to build revenue. The first international operations for Sun opened in Canada in 1985 (Sun, 2008). The following year, operations started in Asia then in Australia. (Sun, 2008) In 1988, Sun reached their first $1 million dollars in sales revenue, which is a major milestone. (Sun, 2008) In 1990, Sun introduced the first workstation which was a new plateau reached. (Sun, 2008) This workstation brought new strategy into Sun’s marketing strategy because of opportunity it added. Continued Growth In the late 1990’s, Sun expanded their business horizons into hardware then built a T1 server which handled the backbone of the Internet. (Sun, 2008) That same year, Sun completed the Micro, Standard, and Enterprise editions of the Java 2 platform 2
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