Study Guide: The Great War Destroyed Long-Faced Beliefs
Submitted By ladyfia2298
Words: 578
Pages: 3
Sophia Shelton
Period 5
April 16, 2014
Chapter 35 & 36 Study Guide
1. The Great War destroyed long-cherished beliefs such as beliefs in the university of human progress many idols of the 19th century progress came under attack, especially science and technology.
2. According the Heisenberg it is impossible to specify stimuleanceously the position and the velocity of a subatomic particle. The more accurately one determines the position of an electron the less precisely one can determine its velocity and vice versa.
3. Freudian doctrines shaped the psychiatric profession and established a powerful presence in literature and the arts.
4. The cause of neurotic behavior was that conflict suggested to him the existence of a repressive mechanism that keeps painful memories or threatening events away from the conscious mind.
5. The aversion to visual realism was heightened by the spread of photography. When everyone could create naturalistic landscapes or portraits with a camera, it made little sense for artists to do so laboriously with a paint brush.
6. Four artistic movements are cubists, expressionists, abstractionists, and surrealists.
7. The style initiated by the Bauhaus architects, the international style, gradually prevailed after 1930 because its functionalism was well suited to the construction of large apartment and office complexes.
8. One of the nagging weaknesses of the global economy in the 1920’s was the depressed state of agriculture, the result of overproduction and falling prices.
9. By 1929 the price of a bushel of wheat was at its lowest level in 400 years and farmers everywhere became impoverished.
10. At its lowest point, 44% of U.S. banks were out of business.
11. As international cooperation broke down, governments turned to their own resources and practiced economic nationalism. By importing tariff barriers, import quotas and import prohibitions, politicians hoped to achieve a high degree of economic self-sufficiency.
12. Keynes urged governments to play an active role and stimulate the economy by increasing the money supply, thereby lowering interest rates and encouraging investment.
13. The main components of Roosevelt’s new deal was that the federal government was justified in intervening to protect the social and economic welfare of the people, represented a major shift in U.S. government policy and started a trend toward social reform legislation that continued long after the depression years.
14. The chief opponents were the Boishevik party and the Russian communist party.
15. The first five-year plan sets targets for increased productivity in all spheres of the