Study Guide On Fe And Stuart

Submitted By twaller1
Words: 926
Pages: 4


As you read this week’s textbook reading assignments, take notes in response to these questions and statements. This study guide will help you to prepare for your quiz.

Fee and Stuart.

1. Know: Hermeneutics is the art and science, or as some would say the theory and practice, of interpretation.

2. What do they say is the aim of a good interpretation? To get at the “plain meanings of the text.” Ant the most important ingredient on brings to the task is enlightened common sense. What is not the aim? Uniqueness is not the aim of our task

3. According to Fee and Stuart, what is the antidote to bad interpretation? The antidote to bad interpretation is not no interpretation but good interpretation based on commonsense guidelines.

4. They define “The Bible” in part as… The Bible is not a series of… both human and divine God's word given in human words in history; it is not… propositions or imperatives not a collection of sayings from a chairman God

5. Know the kinds of “communication” mentioned that God uses to convey his Word. narrative history, genealogies, chronicles, laws of all kinds, poetry of all kinds, proverbs, prophetic oracles, riddles, drama, biographical sketches, parables, letters, sermons, and apocalypses.

6. “To interpret properly the “then and there” of the biblical texts, you must…” understand what was said to them in the “then and there”

7. Know and be able to discuss the two types of ‘context’ mentioned in the reading. Why are these items important?

8. What do Fee and Stuart say is the “only proper control for hermeneutics”? Is to be found in the orginal intent of the biblical text “plain meaning”

9. According to the authors, “The true meaning of the biblical text for us is…” What God originally intended it to mean when it was first spoken

10. What are potential problems with a “fuller” or “deeper” meaning? Who speaks for God?"
-Roman Catholicism has a "magisterium" who determines for all the fuller sense of the text. Protestants, h/w, have no magisterium, & we should be properly concerned w/e anyone says he/she has God's deeper meaning to a text.

11. What is the problem with using only one translation? You are committed exegetical choices of that translation as the Word of God

12.What is the first concern of translators? Why? To be sure that the Hebrew or Greek text they are using is as close as possible to the original wording as it left the author’s hands.


1. What is the traditional view of how the Bible was written? The first school of thought is biblical interpretations may be labeled the traditional view, often known as the conservative view. This has been the dominant position held throughout the history of the church, at least up to the last century or so. Basically, this schoolaccepts the biblical documents at face value. Since the biblical docutments claim to record history, this view begins by accepting that claim as a working hypothesis. It assumes that the documents arre indeed historical, even while carefully assessing that claim.

2. How does the traditional view of the origin of the Bible differ from the modern view presented in the introduction?

3. What is the concept of canon, and why is it important? This concept is critical. The word canon(referring to a group lf writings regarding as authentic) is used to describe the bible of literature we call the bible and scripture.

4. In the NT, why were many of the Epistles written before the Gospels?

5. Why did it take time for the NT canon to be agreed upon?

6. What