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-Design for Hands and Hand Tools Anatomical Terminology Principles of Hand Tools and Device Design
Design for Hands and Hand Tools
-Hand tool-related injuries comprise about 9% of work-related compensable injuries= Aghazadeh and Mital estimate that there are over 260,000 hand tool-related injuries in the US each year and that the associated medical costs alone come to some $400 millions.
-Improperly designed hand tools and device have several undesirable consequences, including accidents and injuries.
Design for Hands and Hand Tools (Anatmical Terminology)
-The anatomic structure of the human hand The movements of flexion, extension, and radial and ulnar deviation occur at the wrist joint complex
-The anatomic structure of the human hand The bones if the wrist connect to the two long bones of the forearm, ulna and radius
-The ulna and radius of the forearm connect to the humerus of the upper arm. The bicep muscle connect to the radius.
-The bicep is both a flexor of the forearm and an outward rotator of the wrist. Thus, any movement that requires a strong pull and simultaneous inward rotation of the hand should be avoided.
-The anatomic structure of the human hand The configuration of the wrist joint permits movements in only 2 planes, each at an approximately 90 degree angle to the other. The second movement plande consists of either ulnar deviation or radial deviation of the hand.
-Principles of Hand Tools and Device