Essay about Student: Clothing and Smyrna Community Center

Submitted By aw75469
Words: 318
Pages: 2

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The DEBUT OF HOUSE OF TRINITY Fashion Show: Tall, Fierce, and Fashionalbe

Atlanta, GA – House of Trinity is set to debut there fashion line on May 19, 2013 at Smyrna Community Center. The show is based on House of Trinity owners’ challenges finding the right styles and fashion that fits. Their line was designed to embrace change and provide quality name brand clothing apparel that caters to the fashion needs for all women 5'7” and taller.

The House of Trinity Fashion Show will feature top designer Emily Mitchell, from Rockwall, TX. Emily’s background is in Architecture, Photography, Modeling, Fashion Design and Visual Merchandising and has done a joint project with Joe Boxer and modeled for Ms. J. The musical selection of the fashion includes a performance dance production by the Total Dance Company.

This fashion show is benefiting the Uplift Your Sister by contributing a portion of the fashion show proceeds. This organization is dedicated to enhancing the lives of young and adult women. They help create avenues for individuals to thrive through motivation, support, education, networking, and life building skills.
For information on the fashion show and to purchase tickets online (or at the door), please visit
Follow House of Trinity on Twitter, @HouseOfTrinity and like on Facebook.

WHAT: House of Trinity Fashion Show hosted by Barake Mulefu
WHEN: May 19th 2013 3pm - 6pm
WHERE: Smyrna