Essay on Strategic Planning, Product Positioning and Customer Value Marketing Theories Applications at Qantas Group

Words: 6444
Pages: 26

Strategic Planning, Product Positioning and Customer Value Marketing Theories Applications at Qantas Group

A Report By Amit Singh ID: c3099441

FM– Assign 2

Page I

Amit Singh ID: c3099441

Executive Summary
Qantas was founded in Queensland in 1920 as Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services. It is twelfth largest and second oldest airline in the world. Since Qantas was privatised in 1993, it has operated profitably in international and domestic air services and a range of related businesses. This report has attempted analyse and discuss some of the marketing theories such as strategic planning, product positioning, and customer value that Qantas has applied and what benefits it obtained strategically from applying

Conclusion and Recommendation .............................................................18 References ....................................................................................................20

FM– Assign 2

Page IV

Amit Singh ID: c3099441

1. Introduction
The purpose of this report is to analyse and discuss some of the marketing theories that Qantas has applied and what benefits it obtained strategically from applying the theory in it marketing strategy. The report will focus on three marketing theories in particular. They are strategic planning, product positioning and customer value. The report will begin with information on Qantas’s background, performances and challenges that it has faced. The next three sections will discuss about strategic planning, product positioning and customer value marketing theories in sequential order, and conclusion and recommendation at the end. Each section provides theoretical concept detail first, followed by analysis and discussion of how Qantas has applied the theory and what benefits it have achieved.

1.1 Qantas Background
Qantas is twelfth largest and second oldest airline in the world. It is also Australia’s largest domestic and international airline (Qantas, 2008). It was founded in Queensland in 1920 as Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial