Robert Mondavi Corp. Analysis I. Summary Company founded in 1966 by Robert Mondavi in Napa Valley, California Company vision to make California a recognized wine producing region alongside great winemaking regions of Europe Major focus on technology and wine growing techniques Production of premium to super ultra premium wines Mondavi focuses on personal sales, wine competitions, and lavish parties to promote the wines rather than conventional advertising Mondavi has a portfolio of premium to super ultra premium wines to fill various price points and niches in domestic wine market 1981 Opus One joint venture with Baron Philippe de Rothschild Through 1980's…show more content… Intense competition from international and domestic wine firms 2. Distribution constraints 3. Beverage industry rivals constantly trying to shift consumer preferences to substitute products 4. Reliance on suppliers with finite capacities.
Internal Environment Analysis
Key Tangible Resources: Technological: *** Mondavi has always remained at the forefront of technology of winemaking by skillfully combining expertise with technology
Physical: *** The quality the final product begins with the quality of the grapes that are transformed by the extensive production facilities maintained by Mondavi {exhibits 4, & 5}
Financial: ** Since the issuance of public stock in 1993, the company has been able to raise adequate capital for international and domestic expansion while maintaining profit growth Key Intangible Resources: Innovation *** Consistently leading industry with product and production innovation
Reputation ** Good partner and supplier relationships
Know-how ** Proven ability to export skill to partner and affiliates as well as across product spectrum
Brand ** 13 brands, several extremely well known Capabilities
Innovations in technology resulting in differentiated products Effective know-how of growing and procurement of high-quality grapes Brand recognition combined with personalized marketing