Today’s economy is based on what
Information and Knowledge
Definition of communication
The transmission of info. And meaning from one individual or group to another
What are channels of communication
Blog, E-mail, Face-to-Face communication, Face-to-face group meeting, Fax, Instant Message, Letter, Memo, Phone Call, Report or Proposal, Voice Mail Message, Video/Audio Conference, Wiki
You will select an example of horizontal communication
Among works at the same level. –Task coordination–problem solving–conflict resolution-idea generation-team building- goals clarification
*Types of teams, you will select the appropriate from an example group of people who work interdependently with a shared purpose across space, time, and organization boundaries using technology. They can be local or global
Stages of team development
4 stages of team development- FORMING- individuals get to know each other, often over polite at first or awkward, search for similarities and attempt to bond. STORMING- members define their roles and responsibilities, decide how to reach their goals, and iron out the rules governing how they interact…often produces conflicts. NORMING- tension subsides, roles are clarified, and information begins to flow among members. PERFORMING- group members have established routines and a shared language develop loyalty and willingness to resolve issues.
What is groupthink and how can it be avoided
Avoiding groupthink by striving for team diversity in age, gender, background, experience, and training. They encourage open discussion, search for relevant info, and evaluate alternatives.
How to be an active and productive member in/at a meeting
Arrive early, come prepared, have a positive attitude, contribute respectfully, wait for others to finish, keep voice calm and pleasant yet energetic, give credit to others, put electronics away, help summarize, express views IN meeting, follow up.
What percentage of what we hear do we remember
Communication technologies promoting globalization
High-speed, high-capacity, & relatively low-cost communication. Wikis, blogs, wireless devices, teleconferencing, and intranets streamline business processes
Signs of culture, visible and invisible
Things that we do in daily life and work are the most visible part of our culture. Symbols of deeper values that are invisible but pervade everything we think and do
Low-context culture v. high-context cultures, which countries are they
Low- direct verbal interaction, less proficient in reading nonverbal cues, value individualism, rely on logic, say no directly. German, north American French, german-swiss, Scandinavian, English.
High- indirect verbal interactions, value group membership, rely on context and feeling, avoid saying no. Chinese, japan, Greek, Arab, Spanish, Mexican, Italian
Prototyping, stereotyping, ethnocentrism, and prejudice, what they are, differences
Stereotype- oversimplified behavioral pattern uncritically to groups. Fixed and rigid. Contain a grain of truth. Prejudice- when a stereotype develops into a rigid attitude and when it is based on erroneous beliefs or preconceptions. Prototype- mental representation based on general characteristics that are not fixed or rigid, but open to new definitions. Ethnocentrism- a natural attitude inherent in all cultures. (what you think is right)
Best business writing is what
Purposeful and persuasive
Responding to a customer’s question, order of tasks to be completed
Inform and persuade. Why and I sending this message? What do I hope to achieve? Importance of the message-amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required-necessity of a permanent record-cost of the channel-degree of formality desired-confidentiality and sensitivity of the message.
Primary purposes of messages explaining procedures, making announcements, answering questions, etc.
Inform and persuade.
What is the best practice for informing an employee of lay-offs
Face-to-face conversation
From four sentences, pick