SR-rm-004 Part 2
René Guillén
November 3, 2014
Lise Hautzinger
SR-rm-004 Part 2
It has become increasingly important for organizations to keep up with technology in all divisions within its makeup. For Riordan Manufacturing, the time has come for their Human Resources Information System (HRIS) to rise above its current level. This document takes all the information gathered during the analyses phase of system development, and describes design elements, for a smooth transition into the design phase. To best profile the design, a description of the system’s architecture and processes will be considered. Also discussed will be the methods employed to secure sensitive employee data and the system itself. In addition, the information system’s architecture will be described in terms of data, process, interface and network.
The main function of the Human Resources department is to gather, manage, store and retrieve vital information from its employees, for its employees and for Riordan Manufacturing. The gathering of information can be a tedious and costly endeavor, but the new system being proposed aims at saving time and money. The current method follows traditional methods of gathering information. The new system is designed to break away from tradition and embrace innovation. The procedures for gathering information change immediately in the new system, providing a new method for screening and hiring potential employees. Applicants will no longer fill out paper form applications. When potential employees report to Riordan in response to the typical recruiting methods, they will be escorted to a computer lab, where they will sit in front of a desktop to fill out an electronic application.
The information gathered at these hiring meetings can serve the company for the remainder of the employee’s tenure, depending on their hiring status. If employees are not hired, information gathered will be stored for a predetermined amount of time in an applicant database. Information gathered from all applicants will be name, date of birth, social security number, address, phone number and previous employment information. Employees who are hired will have to fill out a second post hiring application that will ask for emergency contact information, marital status and other pertinent information. Automatically stored will be the employee’s hire date, seniority date, position date and probationary time remaining. In addition, employees will have the choice to enroll in a 401K retirement plans, health benefits or life insurance plans.
The system itself is web based and will connect in that fashion to various institutions associated with Riordan Manufacturing. Employees who elect to participate in the various employee benefits, will have access to those accounts through Riordan’s system interface, but may also log into the individual benefactor accounts using any computer with an internet connection. To log into affiliated company accounts through the Riordan System HRIS, employees must first enter a username and password, which will be issued for initial access. When logging into the system for the first time, employees will have to set up a user profile, where a unique password can then be created.
The user interface of the system follows a similar layout to that of main stream social media websites. The same picture taken for their identification card, will appear on the left side of the screen. Below the picture will be the employee’s real name, their HRIS username and their position in the company. The screen will be divided, and on the right side of the screen, they will have icons to their 401K accounts, health insurance and links to any other outside benefactors. Also columned on the right, will be links to contact their immediate supervisors and other members of their working team. In addition, a digital calendar will highlight important individual dates and reminders, such as employee start date,