Spina bifida is a congenital malformation in which there is something wrong with the bone in the vertebral column, exposing the spinal cord which should be protected within the vertebral column. It is caused by the incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube. Congenital malformation means a birth defect.
The central nervous system includes the brain, nerves and spinal cord. The spinal cord consists of nerve cells and nerve bundles that connect every part of the body to the brain.
During the first month after conception, the embryo develops a primitive tissue structure known as the neural tube. Gradually, this structure develops into bones, nerves and tissue which eventually form the nervous system and spine. When the unborn baby has spina bifida something goes wrong with the neural tube and spinal column development - it does not close fully. The spinal column is a ridge of bone that protects and surrounds the nerves.
The word Spina Bifida comes from the Latin "spina" meaning spine, and "bifida" meaning split.
There are three main types of spina bifida:
Spina bifida occulta
Spina bifida meningocele
This text refers mainly to myelomeningocele.
Myelomeningocele - the most serious type and affects approximated 1 in every 1,000 babies born. Along several vertebrae the spinal column remains exposed. A sac forms on the baby's back as the membranes and spinal cord push out. The sac may be covered with meninges (membranes). The nervous system is more susceptible to infections, some of which can be life-threatening. Although surgery can correct the defect, it cannot reverse the extensive damage that has already occurred. The baby can have partly or totally paralyzed legs, urinary and/or bowel incontinence, and can lose sensation of the skin.
The majority of patients have excessive CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) - a condition known
Commentary on Spina Bifida A Review of the Literature December 3, 2012 Abstract This work is a student’s compilation of research and information regarding spina bifida. Educational components include a description of spina bifida, its forms, etiology, prevalence and incidence. This work also outlines its signs, symptoms, and diagnostic requirements. In addition, information includes: complications, risk factors, progression, prognosis, and treatment. Furthermore…
develop or close properly, they lead to Spina Bifida which is considered as neural tube defects (NTDs). This can cause problems in the spinal cord and the bones of the spine. Spina Bifida have several forms that depend on its severity. The causes exactly are unknown, but several things can increase the risk of having Spina Bifida (2). Although this disease is known to be an incurable condition, developing a better understanding of the nature of Spina Bifida, its diagnosing, causes, and symptoms have…
hypokalemia. In her past medical history it was discovered that she suffers from spina bifida since birth, asthma, a latex allergy, has an ileostomy, and a leg weakness. Because of her leg weakness LG has to use a walker. LG has been suffering from numerous things since birth. When a person has been diagnosed with other diseases or sickness it is common for them to be affected in other ways too. Over time I believe her spina bifida worsened and affected her lungs and made her muscles stiff. The result is…
Children with additional needs Autism What is Autism Autism is a lifelong disability that affects a person’s social and communication abilities. People with autism may repeat actions such as lining up objects or have specific interests or thoughts that can dominate their lives. Some people with autism find their sensory world unusual and occasionally anxiety provoking. Autism can come with a range of challenges in making sense of the world but it can also give people advantages, such as in…
child with a birth defect. A woman with diabetes must control her diabetes for they give a higher risk of potentially giving the infant diabetes as well or a birth defect. Maternal obesity has been linked to the development of neural tube defects, spina bifida, heart defects, cleft…
amniotic sac, it is sent in to the laboratory for cytological analysis. Some tests you may be tested for are the spina bifida, genetic, or neural tube defects. Spina bifida is a birth defect in the spinal cord. The baby also can be born with neural tube defects. This is where there is an open in the brain or the neck. The alpha fetoprotein blood tests can used to test for spina bifida, neural tube defects Down syndrome and anencephaly. A high level of alpha fetoprotein usually indicates the fetus…
NAME: DATE: YR/SEC: RATING: ASSIGNMENT #__ __ SENSE ORGANS__ Sight. The eye is the organ of vision. It has a complex structure consisting of a transparent lens that focuses light on the retina. The retina is covered with two basic types of light-sensitive…
fetoprotein. Alpha fetoprotein is a protein produce by the fetus that circulates into the mother’s blood. Abnormal levels of this protein can signal birth defects in the fetus. A disorder often associated with a high level of alpha fetoprotein is Spina bifida. Spina Bifida is a birth defect in which the spine and spinal canal do not close before birth. The test also helps in the evaluation of anemia within a fetus with Rh disease. Rh disease is when the baby’s blood and the mother’s blood are incompatible…
has endured many hardships and has overcome them all. She is part Mexican, part Apache, and the mother of seventeen children, and one stepdaughter. She was the wife to a World War II Veteran, and the sole caregiver for a daughter paralyzed by spina bifida. At the age of eighty two B. D. is still very cognizant. Life Story B. D. was born in El Paso, Texas in 1927, to a ranching family of eight. Her father was Apache and her mother was Mexican. She tells, rather affectionately, of her…
Every 4.5 minutes, a baby it being born with birth defects, like Down syndrome, Spina Bifida, Craniosynostosis and others. Also, 20 percent of infant deaths are the leading deaths in the United States. A lot of these children go through surgery due to the type of defect they are born with and issues they go through every day for the rest of their life. In fact, there is an estimate that about 3 percent of all children are born with major defects; minor defects or variations are estimated to occur…