Speak No Evil Have you ever been in the wrong place at the wrong time and witnessed something you wish you hadn’t? There has been a couple times in my life when I found myself in that very predicament. The hardest part is figuring out whether or not to get involved or just go on your merry way. It’s not an easy decision to make. I felt like the only rational thing I could do was weigh the pro’s and con’s of my involvement in the situation. Most importantly, I had to decide whether or not I could make a positive difference. There comes a certain amount of obligation to do the right thing when you find out that someone is in harm’s way. I realized that I had to intervene but I feared the repercussions of my actions. On one hand, I helped someone greatly; on the other hand, I exposed someone’s horrible path of destruction. It was a difficult position to be in but I used my best judgment and did what needed to be done. In the end it turned out to be a wise decision on part my and it made a difference. The Chorus in Euripides’ Medea encounters a very similar circumstance when they learn of Medea’s gruesome plan to avenge her husband by killing their children and his bride. In their hands sits powerful knowledge that could prevent terrible deeds from occurring. To save the family from agony and despair, they could just reveal her intentions to Jason. Unfortunately, in this play, the Chorus is emotionally involved but unable to intervene in anyone’s actions. They assume a more neutral position that allows Medea to complete her revenge, leaving many dead. Misery consumes the outcome of the play. As a result of their unfavorable actions, Medea and Jason will live the rest of their existence in severe pain and suffering. One of the most essential parts in this play is that of the Chorus. Euripides was wise in selecting the women of Corinth to make up the Chorus. It helps bring attention to the woman’s point of view. There are several roles of the Chorus throughout the play. Mainly, they serve as a voice of reason that tries to guide Medea during her darkest times. The rest of the time they spend commentating and sharing their opinion on events that take place. On several occasions, the women express strong feelings of consolation toward Medea and offer her sound advice. After they hear her cries for the first time and learn of Jason’s cruel affair, they tell her: “Don’t be hurt. God will be your friend in this. You must not waste away…” (6). The Chorus can tell that Medea is not well and heading towards unstable ground: “This passion of hers moves her to something great” (6). Through a heartfelt and gut wrenching speech, Medea wins the approval of the Chorus: “This I will promise. You are in the right Medea, In paying your husband back” (9). They are sensitive to her feelings and agree that he should be punished. The Chorus shifts into several different view points of Medea and her situations as the play progresses. At first, the Chorus is extremely sympathetic with her for being wronged by the man she loved. Upon getting the news of her banishment, the women ask “Where will you turn? Who will help you?” showing concern for her future and well-being (12). The women become very concerned when Medea reveals the scheme to murder her children. They fear that she may be acting in a way that would not “support the normal Ways of mankind” (26). Feelings of disapproval overcome the Chorus. They do not condone the wicked tactics to seek revenge on Jason.
calling for all women of the time. Through Medea and Helen, Euripides expresses his sympathetic views towards women. Medea is the strongest character in which Euripides clearly sympathizes with women. Euripides uses different characters throughout to pity with Medea, but also uses negativity towards Jason, who seems to be the person one would immediately want to sympathize with. Medea herself is used to show some of these views. As the tragedy begins, Medea is speaking to the Chorus, “We women are…
Madison Mroz Term Paper Prof. B 05/02/15 The True Meaning of Dante´s Inferno Religious people always fear that they will not make it to Heaven or the place their God resides. The bible and other religious text give advice on how to avoid the pain of Hell. Dante Alighieri, a famous Italian poet, wrote about the physical description of Hell and the punishments each sinner would receive for their sins. Although The Divine Comedy chronicles Dante's journey from the depths of Hell to the glory of Heaven…
Speeches Abraham Lincoln: Government of the people, by the people, for the people’ 1863 Also known as the ‘Gettysburg Address’, this concise speech is simple in its language yet carries a complex message of freedom for all men including the abolition of Negroes in slavery during the period of the Civil War in America. Given at Gettysburg after a great battle and victory for the North, Lincoln praises the efforts of the dead and also calls upon the living to continue fighting for the cause of…
SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR (1908-1986) THE SECOND SEX (Le Deuxieme Sexe) First published in 1949 English translation in 1953 by H.M. Parshley (New York: Knopf) Vintage Books paperback edition 1989 Introduction and Conclusion C.S. 204 AMERICAN UNIERSITY OF BEIRUT 1 THE SECOND SEX (Introduction and Conclusion) INTRODUCTION BOOK ONE: Part I Part II Part III FACTS AND MYTHS DESTINY HISTORY MYTHS BOOK TWO: Part IV Part V Part VI Part VI WOMAN'S LIFE TODAY THE…