Essay Spanish History

Submitted By cutestanga8
Words: 746
Pages: 3

Celia Cruz was born in the Santos Suarez neighborhood of Havana on October 21, 1924. She was the second daughter of four children. Known as the “Queen of Salsa”, Celia Cruz began her career in Havana, after winning a talent contest called “Tea Time”. On July 15th, 1960 she left her homeland and moved to the United States, lying that she was on tour with The Sonara Mantancera. Castro never forgave her for this and was refused entry to Cuba to visit her mother who was ill and when her father died. Once in the United States, Celia Cruz began her career as a soloist with the percussionist Tito Puente and together they made the Anglo-Saxon and European audience had a great interest in salsa music. On July 14, 1962, Celia Cruz's married with the first orchestral trumpeter, Pedro Knight. Celia and her husband, has one of the most solid marriages, loving the world of entertainment. Married since 1962, the couple has worked and traveled together around the world. Without doubt one of the most memorable moments in his life was in 1994 when received from the hands of President of the United States, Bill Clinton one of the highest honors in this country for artists: The National Arts Feat. Her electrifying voice, her contagious joy and the striking costumes were soon a flag of immigrant identity. Celia Cruz's career spans almost half a century, more than 70 recordings, a Grammy and multiple award nominations. Through the 1980's and 1990's fame and led to performance quality in movies with roles in films such as The Perez Family and The Mambo King. Also, Celia Cruz has received over 100 awards, including an honorary doctorate at the University of Yale, a star on Hollywood Boulevard and recognition of National Endowment for the Arts. Unfortunately Celia Cruz died on July 16, 2003, at seventy-eight years old. Her heart and soul personified the acclaimed musical genre around the world and known today as salsa. Celia Cruz “Queen of Salsa”, will never be forgotten.
Celia Cruz nació en el barrio de Santos Suárez de La Habana el 21 de octubre de 1924. Ella era la segunda hija de cuatro hermanos. Conocida como "La Reina de la Salsa", Celia Cruz comenzó su carrera artística en La Habana, luego de haber ganado un concurso para nuevos talentos conocido como "La hora del té". En Julio 15th, 1960 deja su tierra natal y se muda a los Estados Unidos, engaño al régimen y les dijo que sé iba de gira con La Sonara Mantancera. Castro nunca le perdono por esto y le negó la entrada a Cuba para visitar a su madre que estaba enferma y cuando murió su padre. Una vez en Los Estados Unidos, Celia Cruz inició su trayectoria como solista junto al percusionista Tito Puente, y juntos hicieron que las audiencia Anglosajona y Europea tuvieran un gran interés por la música salsa. En 14 de julio de 1962, Celia Cruz se casó con el primer