Society's Biggest Problems Essay

Submitted By kel954
Words: 742
Pages: 3

We have perceived of natural disasters ending an entire species, but there are times when whole generations are wiped out by the bloody and brazen chaos of war. It clutches its long claws around us so taut that the darkness of its fingers turn white all together. Our society of humans, men and woman will be the cause of our own destruction. We are uncultivated, egotistical, and rapacious. The source of our planet’s largest problems are because of us, such as; our children being raised horribly, the insane amount of preposterous crime, pollution, species extinction, and that was only naming a few. If we don’t wake up from our atrocious ways of life soon- there will be no place to wake up too. There are many issues to be addressed but most obvious is of our ignorance. The people of today are so dim witted and narrow minded, we simply cannot think for ourselves. The public feed off the media, devouring every word spoken, shared, or written. There are countless of terrible lifestyle examples placed by shows, movies, and celebrities. We choose to believe in the misleading fiction that our lives will become perfect if we just follow these examples on how to lead our lives, that everything will have a happy ever after. Our children are the ones who have suffered most. Many of us are so ill-prepared for raising a child that we end up raising them to become the most ignorant and rude of all. They are enlisted in the blinded army who forever march across the dirt of the Earth, intoxicating the living things with their lethal footsteps. To secure the future generations, we must teach the children, so that it will not be necessary to teach the adults. We all know it is basic logic that people are going to disagree with one another; start fights over petty things, until the fights pile into riots which then grow into war. Humans have been skirmishing among themselves for thousands of years. However, people seem to misinterpret the sac redness of human life; life, which is priceless because it ends. The amount of crime all over the world is absolutely absurd. One of the main motives behind misdemeanors is money. How can those slips of papers we say we value be more precious than the creation of a careful nine months, a unique seed planted in the earth of our universe? No one is worthy enough to take the breath from another, and this is an outrageous quandary in society. Crime’s main source runs deep within us, and calls itself by the name of selfishness. The tragedy of it all ; we are destroying the each other, same branches of a great tree, the tree in which we were all made from. We are killing each other for selfish and unimportant reasons- which is the most