Social Science Essay

Submitted By stony22
Words: 331
Pages: 2

This article addresses some implications for gender equality and gender policy at European and national levels of transformations in family, economy and polity, which challenge gender regimes across Europe. Women’s labour market participation in the west and the collapse of communism in the east have undermined the systems and assumptions of western male breadwinner and dual worker models of central and eastern Europe. Political reworking of the work/welfare relationship into activewelfare has individualised responsibility. Individualisation is a key trend west − and in some respects east − and challenges the structures that supported care in state and family. The links that joined men to women, cash to care, incomes to carers have all been fractured. The article will argue that care work and unpaid care workers are both casualties of these developments. Social, political and economic changes have not been matched by the development of new gender models at the national level. And while EU gender policy has been admired as the most innovative aspect of its social policy, gender equality is far fromachieved: women’s incomes across Europe are well below men’s; policies for supporting unpaid carework have developedmodestly comparedwith labourmarket activation policies.Enlargement bringsnewchallenges as it draws together gender regimeswith contrasting histories and trajectories. The article will map social policies for gender equality across the key elements of