Social Networking: “How Does It Affect My Life?†Essay
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Pages: 6
Nowadays, social networking has been taking a big part in our lives especially through the existence of gadgets that helps us to access programs such as; twitter, Face book, MySpace and many more. Did you know that fifty-four percent of companies prohibit the use of social networking, but fifty-seven percent of employees admit to using social networks during work time for personal use? And twenty percent of all divorce cases are directly caused by Face book. Complaints about inappropriate conversations, or just plain jealousy between couples, end a marriage that could’ve blossomed into a new family tree. People who live in the same household can’t even talk to each other anymore. Do u parents realize that if you want your child to come to Most of this content is coming from regular people, rather than big, corporate-owned media organizations. For example, people like occasional Mashable guest writer Brandon Mendelson, who has over 950,000 followers on Twitter, have used social media to increase their influence beyond what was possible for “regular people” in the past. Even if we have few followers on Twitter or friends on Facebook or subscribers to our blog, the average person’s influence is increasing as communication channels become more open and fluid. As the networks for sharing and amplifying information strengthen, the ability of each person to influence public opinion and policies increases. As a result, we feel much less like passive audience and much more like participants who have a voice in the events in our world. Therefore, I believe social networking can have a huge effect of people’s lives in different ways. But then, what about myself? How does social networking affect my life? At first, I didn’t know what Twitter is while most of my friends are using it. They kept on asking me to use it with reasons like that it’s really fun and can help us to communicate easier. Well, after a while of seeing them playing with Twitter, I decided to make one and it was on May 2009. There were lots of terms such as retweet, follow, unfollow, favorite, and etc. So I learned how to use twitter and