Alex Chavez
Letter of Introduction
Hello my name is Alex Chavez, I’m 17 soon to be 18 in May and currently a senior at Carle High School and I plan to graduate this year. I’ve played baseball for 8 years and I am currently one of the captains of the Free running team The Elements. I’d have to say one of my favorite subjects would have to be science because it’s what caught my attention in my early years and it just kind of stuck with me. I’ve never been in a fight or in trouble at school or out of school for that matter. During my time here at Carle I’ve learned that it’s important to do your work and stay focused because with that you can accomplish pretty much anything and tackle even the hardest of projects. I’ve also learned that just staying on track will be better and have a better outcome in the long run instead of just slacking of thinking, “Oh I can make it up later.” One of the biggest struggles during my high school career was getting good grades. Coming here to Carle has allowed me to overcome my struggles and even surpass what I thought I could achieve and have even received better grades. After high school I want pursue my passion for cooking and go into the culinary arts and hopefully one day end up owning a restaurant or even a bakery but either or would be great to me as long as I was doing what I love. If I can't follow my passion into cooking then I’d follow my athletic abilities and go out for college baseball and see where
What America Needs Currently, more than 45 million Americans lack any form of health insurance, and millions more have insurance but do not have the financial protection from health care costs (Kao-Ping Chua). Universal health care should be in the United States because no individual should go without adequate health care.It would be good for the U.S economically, financially, and socially. This is what America needs. Socially, the U.S would be better off with Universal health care because it…
Semester Paper Topic and Guidelines Guidelines: Please be sure to read over the guide before composing your essay. All papers must be submitted through Safe Assign, no exceptions. Papers must be written in MLA format. Papers should be no less than 4 FULL pages for full credit. You must properly cite all sources that you use. This includes in text citation and a works cited page. Please use reliable sources. No Wikipedia. You are required to provide 4 sources for this paper, at least…
choose an issue in social psychology to research. This project will provide you an opportunity to practice research skills which are important for your professional careers. The resulting data evaluation skills will serve to improve your ability to make decisions. Topic areas for Social Psychology include: Aggression Altruism Group Process Prejudice and Discrimination Gender Self-Identity You will write a white paper and prepare to share your research findings with the class. A white paper differs…
consists of team activities in Weeks Two, Three, and Four that support the development of a 4,200 to 4,900-word paper (12 to 14 pages) and associated presentation. The paper and PowerPoint® slides will describe an organizational technology plan for a business that the team selects for this assignment. Weekly assignments for sections of the paper and the presentation are listed below. Both the paper and presentation are due in Week Five. The organizational technology plan will explore and define plans for…
a group of poems (no less than three no more than four) discussed in class, write a four-page paper on how those poems reflect an important issue in society. You must quote and cite from the poems used as well as quote and cite from outside sources that support your claims about the poems’ reflection of society. The outside sources do not have to be about the poems, they have to be about societal issues the poems reference. For example, poems dealing with women and body image or poems that deal…
TERM PAPER: MOBILE COMPUTING AND SOCIAL NETWORKS Term Paper: Mobile Computing and Social Networks Matthew T. Wurdeman 9 September 2012 1 TERM PAPER: MOBILE COMPUTING AND SOCIAL NETWORKS 2 Abstract This term paper will assess the effectiveness and efficiency mobile-based applications provide to capture geolocation data and customer data based on case studies of State Farm insurance, Mitek insurance company and Lufthansa airlines (Deutsche Lutfhansa AG). The specific benefits…
Scheduled Lectures: Wednesday, 7-10 pm Location: COURSE INSTRUCTOR/CONTACT Professor: Dr. Tony Fattal (no office: contract faculty member) Telephone: (416) 464-2291 E-Mail: CALENDAR DESCRIPTION Examines issues of social responsibility in business and how marketing theory and techniques may be used to promote more environmentally and socially conscious business practices. Prerequisites: 1) For students in an Honours program, 72 credits, including AK/ADMS 2200…
Part 1: Selection of Issue Why did you choose this controversial issue? I choose this controversial topic because it relates to me this year. I have felt like I am receiving too much homework. I have hardly any free time and I am suffering from it. I hardly have anytime to hang out with friends after school. I have to stay up late to complete all of the homework, causing me to lose sleep, which is vital for a body to grow and heal. Sometimes I have to rush to do my homework in class just to have…
strategies. Additionally, identify which concepts of deterrence you believe offer the best method for controlling juvenile crime. Due Day 4 25 Individual Individual Theories Resource: pp. 47-80 of Juvenile Delinquency: The Core Write a 500- to 750-word paper explaining why some adolescents are motivated to commit crimes while others in similar circumstances are not. Support your…
Social Development in Adulthood Kristen Cizan PSY/201 September 16, 2012 Amber Lazarus Social Development in Adulthood Social issues are presented in every stage of growing up; rather it is being a child, adolescence, or an adult. We learn social skills at a young age and how to interact with people. Some people are shy while others are out going and are always trying new things. For this particular assignment I am going to focus on the issues of social development in adulthood. I decided…