Essay on Snap Word Prompt

Submitted By Lenay-Tyler
Words: 417
Pages: 2

Lenay Tyler
AP English
January 28, 2015

Writing Prompt – SNAP
SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Supporting unfortunate citizens with healthy food that they cannot afford themselves is the initial purpose of this program. Food of little nutritional value – junk food – is not included in the SNAP acronym and should be excluded from access to governmental assistance.

Firstly, we must consider our taxpayers. A significant portion of our hard earned, vigorously collected taxes are distributed to both SNAP and healthcare for the disadvantaged. Who likes to be taken for granted? No one. Using SNAP for unhealthful snacks and soda is equivalent to using taxpayers’ money for unnecessary dietary pleasure. Albeit, we all have dignity and the underprivileged may want the same liberal choice in buying food as the privileged. However, the wealthy use their own money, without the assistance of the government, while SNAP recipients do not. After all, the federal government devotes an annual 80 to 90 billion dollars on SNAP. Out of consideration and selflessness for the People, tax money should be allocated for its healthy intent, not wasted on junk. To add, taxpayers don’t want to be conflicted. For example, it has been proven that low income citizens have more diet-related diseases than the high income citizen. Even my step-mother is a receiver of “food stamps” and has been diagnosed with type one diabetes. She is relatively overweight. By not restricting junk food, the government is essentially granting money to support obesity – a cause for additional healthcare, and exploited tax dollars.