The use of tobacco in prison leads to many long term health problems and more gang related activities for people who are incarcerated and for people who work at correctional facilities. This is a major problem within the correctional system because the escalating costs to keep inmates healthy and to rehabilitate them. The United States of America has the highest number of incarcerated people with guaranteed healthcare and a guarantee of minimum standards based on a state by state basis. This runs up the cost of living for the facilities due to the number of people with medical issues, a lot of these issues are tobacco related.
A lot of medical problems in prison can be directly linked to tobacco use inside and outside of prisons. In a brief called Tobacco Behind Bars: A Policy Options Brief there is a total of 2.3 million people behind bars as of March 2012. Of these people it is stated that 66.5 percent of state inmates and 51.5 percent of federal inmates with a substance abuse disorder had smoked tobacco in the month of their arrest. The brief also states that statistics show that lung cancer is by far the leading cause of cancers deaths among inmates which accounts for one out of three of all cancer related deaths. Of the deaths in state prisons, lung cancer results in more prison deaths then six cancers combined. These cancers are liver cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, prostate cancer and leukemia. The statistics are mind blowing when you sit down and actually realize how bad the effects of tobacco on the body medically are compared to almost anything else. It is estimated that between70 and 80 percent of all United States inmates smoke or use tobacco products. That is up to 4 times the national average. Smoking among incarcerated women ranges from 42 to 91 percent which is 2 to 4 times higher than women of general population. Prisoners are not generally the healthiest of the population due to the fact that many prisoners come from disadvantaged backgrounds with only limited or no opportunity to preventative health care or any health care over the years. (Tobacco Behind Bars) with the lack health care in their pre-institution lives the health care of the inmates falls on the institution and state to meet the 8th Amendment rights of the inmates. In a survey done by Prison Health Care Survey: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Per Capita Costs it states that certain screenings can be done to identify inmates with certain conditions, provide them the proper care, target them for education and prevention education, and, in some cases, place them in special units if their condition warrants. Although identifying inmates with conditions will increase health care costs at first, it may ultimately save money by limiting the spread of diseases. As of 1998, a survey of 49 states found that:
• 49 states provide tuberculosis screening;
• 24 states provide HIV/AIDS screening;
• 41 states provide STD screening;
• Eight states provide drug abuse screening;
• Eight states provide Hepatitis C screening; and
• 47 states provide basic physical and mental Health screenings.
These screenings are not free to the institution. The taxpayers have to pay for the screenings. Also after the screening they must pay for the care that the inmate may require. Given the high frequency of tobacco use by prison inmates there is an unsurprising amount of prison deaths directly related to tobacco use. Some of the diseases caused by tobacco are coronary heart disease multiple forms of cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. With the amount of deaths and high health care costs related to tobacco use many states have put a ban on the use of tobacco in prisons. The problem with the tobacco products are the addictive properties of nicotine. An article in the New York Times called NICOTINE: HARDER TO KICK...THAN HEROIN, shows that Interdisciplinary research in pharmacology,
Alcohol Unfinished by Kohl Watson Drugs and Alcohol have major effects on people. By going to the Alcoholics Anonyms, interviewing a police officer, and researching for myself I have a better understanding of why I shouldn’t be involved with smoking weed illegally and in the future why I shouldn’t start drinking. In a lot of cases all drugs and alcohol dose is cause pain, trouble for everyone, and create life threatening problems. -Marijuana According to data from the 2000 National…
people to worst drugs or to death. Marijuana on the other hand, could possibly make a better difference. There are many problems that the country is facing, for example, the economy or the amount of space in the prisons. Marijuana should be legalized because it is beneficial in some ways and it would solve many of our problems. If marijuana was legalized, it would help the economy so much. It would help save millions or even billions…
diseases like cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, and AIDS, would be put at ease. If marijuana were federally legalized, the government could tax it, and make several billion dollars profit off of it a year. If marijuana were federally legalized, the current prison expansion would cease due to a mass reduction of possession arrests. Now that you know a brief history of marijuana in America, I'd like to discuss the benefits of legalizing marijuana for medicinal use. The legalization of marijuana…
would tell you that smoking marijuana is harmless however; this is not true Gale Opposing Viewpoints states that, “Despite a popular myth that cannabis use is harmless marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, contains cyanide…” This is true, marijuana smoke can be harmful. When smoked it has many of the same carcinogens and chemicals caused by smoking cigarettes, such as cyanide and tar. This however, can be remedied by using a vaporizer or ingesting it by mouth instead of smoking. The economic benefits…
Unbroken Unbroken, written by Laura Hillenbrand, tells a true story of a young man’s journey to achieve greatness. By experiencing a rough childhood, joining the Olympic Games and surviving the Japanese prison war camps, pushed him to reach his full potential. As Bo Bennett once said, “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement”. While some people are predisposed to greatness as they are born with certain genetics, others work hard to achieve as certain situations bring…
always be available. Plus, the hemp plant, which marijuana is merely the bud of, is the most versatile plant grown. Its stems and leaves can be mashed and produced into anything from paper, the cloth, to ropes, to foods! Due to the few side-effects of smoking or ingesting marijuana include hunger and dry-mouth; the food industry will feel a large growth in their sales. Small food businesses and large franchises will eventually be able to branch out and open more restaurants, only creating more jobs in…
exclusively, for social reasons, especially a group who engages in criminal behavior. In other words, a gang is a group of future prison inmates. Gang members put off this tough guy persona to scare not only people, but rival gangs also. Gangs can be found in rural and urban communities, schools, and many places of work. The word “gang” is most commonly used within schools, prisons, and usually refers to inner city delinquents. They are automatically labeled under: drug dealers, thieves, liars and murders;…
meals throughout the day, chewing and smoking Tobacco, lifting weights, free therapy and education, and playing games outside such as basketball and football. The inmates are incarcerated for a reason, that reason being they committed some type of crime and they are paying back their community by serving time in a cell. The inmates have certain tasks that they have to do while they are incarcerated, such as kitchen work, sweeping and mopping areas in prison, cleaning the showers, community service…
I. Introduction A. Thesis Statement American prisons have a disparity of minority inmate population. Is this due to a higher rate of minority crimes or the manner in which the judicial system operates? II. Body paragraph #1 - Topic Sentence #1 While majority of the inmates are white, blacks and Hispanics populate the American prisons too in different countries. . A. Supporting Evidence As a recent article read, African Americans make up 13% of the general US population, yet they constitute…
DeLeon EN 102 Mr. Dubow March 24, 2015 Why Marijuana Should Remain Illegal Throughout the years there has been several controversies in the United States from alcohol consumption, smoking tobacco, and even civil rights. In today’s generation there is a new controversy that is on the rise. That controversy is the smoking of marijuana, or weed. It has slowly but surely became a major situation all over the nation and states have one by one legalized marijuana in one or two forms: medical or recreational…