Essay about SML Task On Performance Monitoring And Decision Making Tool 2
Submitted By Tania-Craig
Words: 1165
Pages: 5
DMC: Performance Monitoring /
Decision making tool
The Task
Using MS Excel, create a spreadsheet to help you record your marks on the units you study, monitor/predict your grades and make decisions on your performance targets.
Evaluate the tool using the set of questions suggested in the second part of this briefing.
To complete the task you will need to:
Read the following documents: your Programme Handbook (it is available from the myBU community for your programme level).
The BU academic procedure (AP) on Standard Assessment Regulations: Undergraduate Programmes (6A) , available from the Student Portal :
Draw a list of all units you will be studying on the course at each level (C, I and H) and record how many credits each of the units contributes.
N.B. Level C – Year 1; Level I – Year 2 for FT students or 2/3 for PT students
Read the unit descriptions for the units at Level C (Year 1) (these should be available from the myBU Community pages for your course and level). For each of the units note how they are going to be assessed – this is the information in the Summative Assessment section (e.g. 100% coursework; 50% coursework and 50% time-constraint examination).
Note the contribution of the different levels to the final grade for your degree, e.g. Level H contributes 70% towards the final qualification.
Be able to use MS Excel features such as formatting, formulae, data validation and conditional formatting.
1. Using MS Excel for creating performance monitoring tools
The requirements for this task are as follows:
1.1. The spreadsheet should be labelled My Academic Performance and should be saved to a location accessible to both you and your tutor, e.g. the Mahara portfolio blog.
1.2. The spreadsheet should have at least two worksheets. The first one should be to record assessment information for your performance this year, i.e. Level C, and could be labelled Level C Assessment. The second one should be for the rest of the Levels of study and the final grade.
1.3. The Level C Assessment worksheet has to meet the following requirements
a. Include a table for each of the six units you will be studying with a column to record the assessment elements and their contribution to the unit mark, e.g.
Final unit mark
Contribution to the unit mark
Assessment Result
(1st attempt)
<Enter a formulae to calculate the final result>
Assessment Result
<Enter a formulae to calculate the final result>
b. Include a table for the overall performance at Level C, with a column ofr each of the six units and one for the final grade for Level C. The rows should provide information on the type (core or optional), credits per unit, mark.
Unit 1
Unit 6
Level C Mark
Level C Qualification
Level C Credits
1st, 2:1, 2:2, Pass, Fail
Assessment Result
<Enter a formulae to calculate the average for Level C>
<Enter a formulae to ‘translate’ the Level mark into a grade – See Section 11 in AP 6A: Assessment regulations>
<Enter a formulae to ‘translate’ the total result into a grade – See Section 8 and Section 10 in AP 6A: Assessment regulations> - see N.B.
N.B. Each successfully completed unit contributes 20 credits to your credit total. No credits are awarded if you fail a unit.
1.4. The table for the DMC Assessment
a. Include all components of the DMC unit, i.e. the missions/assignments you have to complete and record the contribution to the final unit mark (listed in your assignment briefing)
b. You can insert a row/column for any additional information, e.g. the components on which you are going to be assessed, the format of assessment, e.g. group or individual, etc.
c. All contributions to the DMC overall mark should be summed using a formula to deliver the total mark on this unit.