Essay about Sleep and White Night Gown

Submitted By nyang08
Words: 371
Pages: 2

What Makes Sleep Paralysis Scary

Sleep paralysis is the sensation of waking up to find that you can't move your body, you may sense a presence in the room, near your bed or even sitting on your chest causing you to feel unable to breathe. When the brain and body are not on the same page during sleep, sleep paralysis occur. During REM sleep the body's muscles are relaxed to the point of paralysis. Becoming mentally aware before the body wakes up from its paralyzed state can result in hallucinations and feeling breathless. People who suffer from sleep paralysis feel more distress when hallucinations are threatening to them. Studies found that people with analytical thinking style are less distress after a sleep paralysis experience because they usually don’t have supernatural beliefs. Whereas, intuitive thinkers might be more drawn to the supernatural belief behind sleep paralysis being caused by demons. Many people who suffer from sleep paralysis, their doctor usually fail to understand the true fear that the patient experience.
Personal Opinion
I am a sufferer of sleep paralysis for years I cannot speak for others but myself. In my opinion, sleep paralysis is one of the scariest things. One of my experience consisted of me waking up in the middle of the night feeling the sensation of not being able to move and breathe. I look over to my little sister’s bed to try and call her for help, just to find a woman with dark long hair covering her face, in a white night