For a 6 gallon batch
115 oz 100% lemon juice (e.g ReaLemon in the green plastic bottles or equivalent)
10 lbs sugar to ferment
1 tsp tannin
7 tsp. yeast nutrient (3.5 now, 3.5 later)
3 tsp. yeast energizer (1.5 now, 1.5 later)
Approx, 4 1/2 gallons water
Yeast Slurry
Potassium metabisulfite (Kmeta)
Potassium sorbate (sorbate)
2 1/3 lbs sugar (or 6 cups) to sweeten finished Skeeter Pee. Use more or less for your tastes.
Make invert sugar by adding your 10lbs sugar to a large stainless cooking pot along with 10 cups water and 1/2 cup lemon juice
Stir sugar to dissolve and heat to just below boiling while stirring. Hold at this temperature for about 30 minutes.
Allow to cool slightly and pour it into your primary along with ~2.5 of the bottles of the lemon juice (reserve the last bottle until later), and enough additional water to make 6 1/2 gallons. Add the 1tsp tannin, 3.5 tsp. of the yeast nutrient and 1.5 tsp. of the yeast energizer. Stir.
Test S.G with hydrometer and record. I shoot for an SG of around 1.070
Stir thoroughly to dissolve the sugar; if you have undissolved sugar at the bottom, it will throw off your readings.
Vigorously beat the mixture with a wire whip for a couple of minutes to introduce oxygen and purge it of artificial preservatives. I then cover the bucket with a dish towel and let the sit for 24 to 48 hours.
After 24-48 hours, give it another quick whip and then pour in yeast slurry from the first rack of another batch of wine. It sometimes takes a while, but you should have active fermentation within a couple of days. It helps to keep this must warm (70-78 degrees). You may need to occasionally whip in some additional oxygen with the whip if fermentation seems to be progressing slowly.
Periodically check the gravity. When it gets down to around 1.050, add the other 3.5 tsp of nutrient the second tsp of energizer, and the last bottle of lemon juice; vigorously mix it in. Don’t be afraid to introduce some oxygen to the mix at the same time. This