Essay about Short Answer 1

Submitted By Lindsaypasteris
Words: 528
Pages: 3

Short Answer 1 (3000)
Which of your academic or personal achievements during high school best showcase your intellectual abilities and talents? Please elaborate, indicating dates, extent of your involvement, specific outcomes, and anything else we should know to appreciate your answer. Your answer is limited to 3000 characters (approximately 375 words).

I couldn’t contain my pride and excitement as I stood there on stage, smiling from ear to ear. The lights were shining, cameras were flashing, and I knew then that all my hard work and preparation had paid off. I had received the 1st place trophy at the 2014 North Carolina DECA State Competition for my project and presentation in the Entrepreneurship Written Event category.
I spent months creating and writing a 30 page paper on it’s marketing strategies, financial predictions, and thorough logistics. My business model was unique, creative, and had solid financials to back it up. I was amazed when I saw that, only a few months after I had won the state trophy in January of 2014, someone else had actually gathered the resources, took the risk, and implemented it. has now become a real, thriving business. This experience has helped me to realize that I have the entrepreneurial spirit. I am confident that I possess the drive, creativity, and character to become a successful entrepreneur and start my own business one day.
In the past year, I have come up with two Big Ideas for new businesses. Fashion Cache was originally a simple class project that I did two years ago in my web page design class. Eventually it developed into a unique apparel shopping service that simplifies the buying experience by allowing customers to buy apparel from multiple retailers on a single site. The feature that makes this site stand out is the inclusion of social media to identify styles that are “trending.” In addition, it solves the problem of spending great sums of money on shipping when purchasing apparel online by charging one