Major Objectives Or Review Players Fundamental Skill Levels And Fitness
Submitted By easygoing18
Words: 4213
Pages: 17
||Weekly Session Training Plan||
Week Number:|01|Time:|5:30pm - 6:30pm||
Major Objectives or Review players fundamental skill levels and fitness.||
Points of Emphasis:|Teaching emphasis is defensive skills.|||
Time|Skill / Drill|Drill|Coaching Points||
5:30 - 5:40|Warm-up drills||||
|Lay-up And Rebounding Lines|15|Correct lay-up form - strong rebounds.||
|Line Running Drills|17|Footwork, balance. Pivoting technique.||
|Line Dribbling Drills|16|Head-up - speed and protection dribbles, change of||
5:40 - 5:50|Defensive Stance and Footwork||||
|Mass Defensive Drill|18|Low stance, quick feet, "wide then wider".||
|Mirror Drills|19|Quickness, effort.||
5:50 - 6:05|Team Man-Man Defense in Backcourt||Ballside / weakside / split line.||
|||Flat triangle - see your man & ball, "point the pistols".||
|||On ball and deny stance.||
|||Communication - "Ball", "Dead", "Help", "Shot".||
|Shell Drill||Help and recover.||
||39|Passes only - token defense - teach players to move to||
|||correct positions.||
|||"Jump to the ball".||
6:05 - 6:15|Defending the Dribbler||Turn in the backcourt, channel to sideline / baseline in||
|Slide Run Slide|40|the backcourt.||
|Turning And Channeling The Dribbler|46|||
6:15 - 6:20|Mushball|28|Free-throw routine and form. Strong to the basket.||
6:20 - 6:30|Scrimmage||No dribbles for first five minutes.||
Handouts: Homework Sheet No. 1
Greenvale Basketball Club Inc. (A0025777N)
||Weekly Session Training Plan||
Week Number:|02|Time:|5:30pm - 6:30pm||
Major Objectives or Review players fundamental skill levels and fitness.||
Points of Emphasis:|Teaching emphasis is dribbling and passing skills.||
Time|Skill / Drill|Drill|Coaching Points||
5:30 - 5:.40|Warm up drills.||||
|Lay-up And Rebounding Lines|15|||
|Three-Man Weave|45|||
|Star Drill|41|||
5:40 - 5:50|Shell Drill|39|Communicate.||
|Mass Defensive Drill|18|Stance & footwork.||
|Turning And Channeling The Dribbler|46|||
5:50 - 6:05|Passing Technique||Chest, bounce & push passes. Step to pass and receive.||
|Pepper Drill||Use of wrists.||
||33|Peripheral vision.||
|Bull In The Ring|01|"Fake a pass to make a pass".||
6:05 - 6:20|Dribbling Technique||Keep your head up. Use fingertips. Control and||
|Line Dribbling Drills||protection of ball.||
||16|Keep ball low on crossover. Don't carry ball on||
|Chill Drill|03|reverse.||
6:20 - 6:25|Fifty Passes|06|Defense organise and man-up. Offense make good||
6:25 - 6:30|Mushball|28|||
Greenvale Basketball Club Inc. (A0025777N)
||Weekly Session Training Plan||
Week Number:|03|Time:|5:30pm - 6:30pm||
Major Objectives or|Review players fundamental skill levels and fitness.||
Points of Emphasis:|Teaching emphasis is individual offensive skills.||
Time|Skill / Drill|Drill|Coaching Points||
5:30 - 5:40|Warm-up drills||||
|Ball handling drills|PH10|Keep your head up.||
|Horseshoe Shooting|13|Intensity, receive in shooting position.||
|Line Dribbling Drills|16|Crossover - keep it low.||
5:40 - 5:50|Shell Drill||39|Review last weeks teachings.||
|Two Teams Sliding|47|Intensity, defensive stance and footwork.||
5:50 - 6:05|Triple Threat Position / Jab Step||Balanced, low stance.||
|One On One|29|Short jab step, strong side and crossover.||
6:05 - 6:20|V-Cuts / Backdoor Cuts||||
|Motion Offense - Cutting To Get Open|21|Only token (cooperative) defense.||
|Ten Fingers|42|Explosive cut, catch and face.||
6:20 - 6:25|Knockout||14|||
6:25 - 6:30|Scrimmage|||||
Comments: Remind players that Homework Sheet No 1 is to be returned next week.||
Handouts:|Player Handout 16 -