Service Learning Essay

Submitted By tdc1972
Words: 322
Pages: 2

BBBS Progress Report
November 27, 2012

Our team was assigned the task of dispensing the books that were donated to Big Brothers, Big Sisters. The goal of BBBS and our team is to provide an activity that would benefit the bigs and littles, as well as liquidating the supply of books.
Our team has devised a plan that will accomplish both of these points, while keeping overhead costs to minimum and allowing for staff to only have donated two hours of their personal time.
At or around Spring break of 2013, this will fall around the end of March, beginning of April. Big Brothers, Big Sisters will allocate roughly two to three hours on a Friday evening of their choice (one that is compatible with everyone) and while serving refreshments in their offices, will allow for the bigs and littles to come in, spend time choosing a book to read and enjoy together and then allowing for that child to take the book home. They may be allowed more than one book, if supplies are adequate and last.
Our team believes this will ensure valuable time for both the bigs and littles to spend with each other, allowing close personal interaction with all those involved in a controlled environment. This type of structure allows the littles to feel secure within their surroundings, as well as the ability to interact freely with their appointed big and others as well. This event will strengthen the bonds between the bigs and the littles,