Sedimentary Rock Display Essay

Submitted By dustinelledge
Words: 663
Pages: 3

Associate Level Material

Sedimentary Rock Worksheet

Use the following table to describe and distinguish between the effects of weathering and erosion. Each response must be at least 200 words.

|Effects of Weathering |Effects of Erosion |What are the Differences? |
|Weathering is the process of rock material |Erosion is when wind, water and ice |One difference between weathering and |
|being broken up by air and water. One type |dislodge, dissolve or remove the materials |erosion is how humans can effect erosion |
|is mechanical weathering in which intense |on the surface. When the material is moved |and have little to no effect on weathering.|
|wet or dry regions affect the area. This |from one location to a new one it is called|Vegetation helps to keep soil from moving |
|type of weathering can split rocks and |deposition. This is a natural process but |and when man removes plants it can cause an|
|minerals into pieces. Changes in |human interaction can increase or alter the|erosion of that area. People have to plan |
|temperature can expand and contract |amount of erosion and cause damage to the |construction, agriculture and road building|
|materials causing them to break. Chemical |earth. Erosion can cause mountains to be |to decrease or remove the chance of |
|weathering happens when water causes the |worn down over time. Rain on the ground can|erosion. There is no movement involved in |
|oxidation, hydration or carbonization of an|move soil particles from one location to |the weathering process vs. erosion. |
|object and breaking it down. Buildings and |another, causing erosion. If water flows on|Weathering is the process of how the rocks |
|other structures that are made of iron are |a sloped area, it can cause a channel in |or other materials are broken apart and |
|affected by water and cause them to break |the dirt and continue to cause erosion. In |erosion is the process in which they are |
|down over time and form rust. Biological |some areas, such as the desert, prairies, |moved and the effects it has on earth. |
|weather happens when physical and chemical |and sandy coastal regions, the wine can | |
|agents of organisms disintegrate the rock |cause erosion. When the soil is dry, wind | |
|and minerals. |is able to push it from one area to | |
| |another. When hurricanes or other large | |
| |storms are present on the coast, it can | |
| |cause a shift in the sand by the rain water| |
| |and