Security in the Cloud: solutions comparison to solve data storage in the public cloud
Cristian Montero - cmontero (647640)
Elisa Mena - emena (633144)
Santiago Villagomez - svillagomez (649887)
COMP90043 Cryptography and Security
September 12, 2014
The main contribution of this paper is to describe possible threats in cloud computing environments as well as security solutions using cryptography. To accomplish our main aim we define three specific objectives which are described as follows:
• Problem Analysis. Describe threats and risks related with cloud computing environment security issues.
• Possible solutions. Find out best solutions for problems as well as their advantages and disadvantages to keep information safe and available in real-time considering users
QoS requirements.
• Success story Show a practical scenario where a solution meet its purpose.
Task on the project
This project requires team work approach to accomplish formerly specified aims and the deadline.
All members will be involved in every stage of the project providing information and ideas to add value to our work. The main tasks we will develop are described as follows.
• Literature Review: Obtain all the information required for better comprehension of the topic. This task includes reading research papers, books, articles, magazines, etc.
• Discussion: Once we have information about problems, it would be required to discover and suggest solutions to those problems.
• Paper writing: All ideas and solutions collected will be discussed, and the most relevant will be included in the final document.
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