Security in an industrial environment
John Rice
October 31, 2012
Neal Morgan
Security in an industrial environment
Security personnel will be required to secure the assets of any organization that they work for. Sometimes security personnel have to choose between safeguarding industrial assets, and that of personnel. Depending on the type of assets being secured the security officer may have to choose the welfare of an individual over the assets secured or vice versa. Security in an industrial environment can be very dangerous and should be handled with a certain expertise. The definition of industrial security reads “the portion of internal security which refers to the protection of industrial installations, resources, utilities, materials, and classified information essential to protection from loss or damage” (Farlex, 2012). United States industry develops and produces the majority of our nation’s defense technology most of which is classified. Playing a significant role in creating the information vital to the nation’s security is completed in an industrial environment (U.S. Department of defense). The national security program was established by executive order 12829 to make sure that cleared United States defense industry safeguards the classified information in their possession while performing work on contracts, programs, bids, or research, and development efforts (U.S. department of defense). In the private sector experience has shown that independent development of a solid security concept rapidly exceeds available resources to fit the type of site that they are securing (Siemens, 2012). As a result compromises are often made at the expense of security. To prevent this situation from occurring many companies tailor the security services that they need. Services provided range from risk analysis, and comprehensive plant protection to regularly updated suitable security measures (Siemens, 2012). Generally speaking the process industries involve process technology, which means to take quantities of raw material and transform it into other products. The results can range from products for a consumer to an intermediate product used to make end products. Different government agencies, industry groups, and individuals have created various ways of classifying and describing hazardous agents (Center for the advancement of process technology, 2010). Many companies and their safety professionals use the following classification system to categorize hazardous agents dividing them into these major types’ chemical, physical, ergonomic, biological, security, and environmental (Center for the advancement of product technology, 2010). Focusing on physical security, which is security measured intended to prevent physical threats from a person or group seeking to intentionally harm other people or vital assets. Along the same lines are cybersecurity, which is security measures intended to protect electronic assets from illegal access and sabotage (Center for the advancement of process technology, 2010). Companies in the process industries work to provide a safe work environment and to protect its workers and surrounding community. Millions of dollars and thousands of hours go into securing and into minimize security hazards. Accidents can still happen through just as in any other workplace, home, or public setting whenever an accident does occur an investigation is launched (Center for the advancement of process technology, 2010). The investigation will look for answers to the following questions the cause for the accident itself, what contributed to the incident, and the results of the accident (Center for the advancement of process technology, 2010). Operating procedures dictate that employers must provide clear instructions for safety. There must also be training provided