Science Fair Essay

Submitted By lldnbb
Words: 1079
Pages: 5


* 500ml Hydrochloric Acid * One 200ml cold water pH of 7.55 * Two pairs of latex gloves * Four different antacids * One pair of protective goggles * One apron * Four 200 ml vials * One burette * Four rubber policemen * One hot water bath * One bowl and pestle * One pH meter


The purpose of this experiment is to determine which antacid could neutralize the most stomach acid.


If I put hydrochloric acid into four vials containing Tums, Tagamet, Maalox, and Pepcid AC, then Tums will neutralize the most stomach acid.


1. Get the 4, 200 ml glass vials.
2. Get 1, 200 ml of cold water.
3. Fill each of the four vials with 100 ml of water.
4. Crush one dosage of each antacid.
5. Put one dosage of each antacid in the separate vials.
6. Mix until the antacid is fully dissolved in the water.
7. Soak in hot water bath.
8. Test initial pH.
9. Get 500 ml of hydrochloric acid
10. Fill a burette with approximately 50 ml of Hydrochloric Acid.
11. Drop one drop of acid into the antacid mixture and stir.
12. Repeat step 11 counting the number of drops it takes to make the pH jhjhreach 7.0.
13. Record the number of drops in data table.
14. Repeat steps 11-13 with other antacids.
15. Do three trials with each antacid.
16. When finished, average up data to come up with an overall.

Background Research

Stomach acid is very dangerous. If a person was to have an ulcer and the stomach acid was to escape it would eat their other organs. Stomach acid is highly acidic and has a pH of 1.6. Stomach acid is hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach. If there is too much stomach acid it can cause heartburn. Heartburn is when stomach acid is produced in abnormal amounts or location. One of the symptoms of heartburn is a burning feeling in the chest or abdomen.

Acids are a group of chemicals, usually in liquid form. They can be recognized by their sour taste and their ability to react with other substances. Acids are confirmed as an acid by their pH. The pH of acids range from 0-6.9. The two main acids are: mineral acid and organic acid. The three acids that are most common are sulfuric acid (H2SO4), nitric acid (HNO3), and hydrochloric acid (HCL).

An antacid is any substance that can neutralize an acid. All antacids are bases. A base is any substance that can neutralize an acid. The pH of a base is 7.1-14. All antacids have chemical in them called a buffer. When an antacid is mixed with an acid the buffer tries to even out the acidity and that is how stomach acid gets neutralized.

Almost all foods and drinks and even medicines have ingredients that are different acids. Here are some examples: Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Orange Juice (ascorbic acid/Vitamin C), Sour Milk (lactic acid), Soda Water (carbonic acid), Vinegar (acetic acid), Apples (malic acid), and Spinach (oxalic acid).

Antacids are commonly used to help neutralize stomach acid. Antacids are bases with a pH above 7.0 that chemically react with acids to neutralize them.

The result of this experiment was that Tums neutralized the most stomach acid. In all but one trial (trial #3 between Tums and Tagamet) was Tums not the highest in neutralization. In an antacid it is not the name brand that tells how well it works, but the active ingredient. Not all antacids have a different active ingredient. Some have one of the same active ingredients and some have all of the same active ingredients. Almost all the antacids that have the same active ingredient work the same amount as the other. So it is not necessarily the name brand that will show how well one antacid works over another. All in all, it would be better for you to look at the label on the package than look at the flashy commercials you may see.


In conclusion, my hypothesis was proven correct that