Science: Chemistry and Electricity Malleable Ductile Essay

Submitted By samefman
Words: 581
Pages: 3

Science Chemistry Study Guide

Metals vs. Non Metals

Most solid at room temp
Good Conductors of heat and electricity
Hard, shiny and dense
Malleable (able to be made into a sheet)
Ductile (able to be made into a wire)

Non Metals-
Mostly gases
Poor Conductors
Dull, brittle

Periodic Table

Element - a pure substance made up of only one type of matter
Compound – a pure substance made up of two or more elements chemically combined
Mixture – a combination of two or more substances not chemically combined Homogeneous – a mixture that appears uniform Heterogeneous – a mixture in which the components are visibly different

Atomic Number – number of protons and electrons (the whole number in the box on the periodic table)

Atomic Mass – the average mass of an atom, it’s most common isotope (the number with the decimals) the atomic mass is expressed in atomic mass units (amu) which is the mass of one proton or neutron

Mass Number – the number of protons plus neutrons in a specific atom (a specific isotope)

Family – the columns in the periodic table have similar properties, all elements in a family have the same number of valance electrons. Alkali Metals – the row beginning with Hydrogen Good conductor of heat and electricity Malleable Ductile Soft Highly reactive (one valance electron) Explosive in contact with water
Alkali Earth Metals – the row beginning with Beryllium Good conductor of heat and electricity Malleable Ductile Metallic
Transition Metals – the rows including and between Scandium and Zinc After Red Line - referred to as the first element in the column Noble Gases – the last row Not reactive, full outer shell

Period – the horizontal rows in the periodic table, the elements in a period are not alike in properties

Atomic Notation – a way of addressing a particular atom in standard format
The symbol is written (the letter) as the base. The mass number is to the upper left. The atomic number is written in the bottom left.

From left to right in the top on the periodic table, you can count the number of valance electrons in chronological order.

Isotope – atoms of the same element that differ in