Does Polution causes Tornados in the U.S The science conection is earth because this artical is about wheather. The type of scientest that studys this is called a
Meteorologist Polution from other countrys, carried across the Gulf of Mexico could be able to make twisters stronger and more violent.
The scientests at the Univercity of Texas analized specificly the tornado out break in tornado ally, April 27, 2011. That day 122 twisters formed in the south eastern part of the united states, 15 major twisters.
Reasurcher looked for the cause of so many tornados in one day, this day was the biggest day in tornado history. The reasurcher hypothesised that smoke could have played a facter in this tornado outbreak. The amount of smoke that might have favored the 122 tornados might have come from fires in Central America. They think the smoke helped cause the tornado outbreak because the particals in the smoke might have lowerd the cloud causing the tornados to be more violent. The big ones.
The biggest Recorded tornado in the U.S was in El
Reno, Oklahoma on May 31,it was 2.6 miles long at one point. The most damaging tornado hit Joplin, Missouri in May 2011 it costed the U.S 3 billion dollers in damage. The deadlyest tornado in the U.S hit
Bangladesh in April 26, 1989. It was reasponsible for the death of
1,300 people.
How tornados are formed.
A tornado is formed several ingrdiants need to be in place, the atmosphere has to be ofbalanced when wind in the uperapmasphere are blowing faster then the ones at the serface horizontal spining colums of air are created tunder storms will turn these coloms verticaly in there up draft. As up and downward motion continues within a tunderstorm the rotating colom of air will drift below the cloud base