Complete the table below by filling in the requested items. Use the food label of your favorite snack to obtain the information needed.
Part B: Calculating Calories
Complete the equations below by using the information you obtained in Part A tables. Use figure 5.19 of the Visualizing Nutrition textbook as a guidance.
Number of calories from proteins: __3___x__4___ = __12g______
1 gram of protein = 4 calories
Number of calories from carbs: _20___x__4___=____80g_____
1 gram of carbs = 4 calories
Number of calories from fat: __3.5___x__9___=___31.5_____
1 gram of fat = 9 calories
If you were to eat the entire product, how many calories would you have consumed:
Fat: _283.5______
Proteins: ___108_____
Carbohydrates: 720________
Total calories: _1080_______
Part C: Food Label Questions
Response to each of the following questions using the information obtained in Parts A and B.
1. How many calories/grams,fat/grams, and carbohydrates/grams protein are there for the entire package? Total calories: 108 grams Fat: 283.5 grams Carbohydrates: 720 grams
2. How much fiber is there per serving/package?
Fiber per servings: 3 grams Package: 27 grams
3. If the recommended fiber intake per day is 25-30 grams, would this food item be a good source of fiber? Why or why not?
Yes, I believe that this food is a great source of fiber because it is within the recommended fiber intake for the day. The item is within the range of fiber intake per day.
4. If there were 0.49 grams trans fat per serving in the food item you are analyzing, how much trans fat would be consumed if you were to eat the entire package? (Trans fat rule: if there is less than 0.5 grams of trans fats per