Sci/241 Wk 8 Essay

Submitted By stormy32484
Words: 602
Pages: 3

Body Fat and Eating Disorders
December 16, 2012
Stephen Murray

Body composition is the body’s relative amount of fat to fat-free mass. Those with optimal body composition are typically healthier, move more easily and efficiently, and in general, feel better than those with less-than-ideal body composition. Achieving a more optimal body composition goes a long way toward improving your quality of life and overall wellness. Body composition is divided into two separate types of mass: fat-free mass -- which is comprised of all of the body’s non-fat tissues -- and body fat. Fat-free mass includes bone, water, muscle, and tissues. Body fat is literally fat located within the body. Some fat is necessary for overall health; it helps protect internal organs, provides energy and regulates hormones that perform various functions in body regulation. However, when someone is overweight or obese, they have an excessive accumulation of body fat. There are many factors that are influencing obesity and one of the main ones is the media. Anytime you turn the television on there are commercials about fast food. Children are increasingly becoming overweight and less physically active, to the point that childhood obesity is a global epidemic. Media use including time spent watching television, playing video games and using a computer has been identified as one of the contributing factors for a number of reasons, including the following: There is considerable advertising and promotion of high-sugar, high-fat foods during children's programming. Media use is displacing physical activity as children spend more and more time watching television and playing video games and less time being physically active. Today's children are inundated with media competing for their attention. Even with all of these choices, television continues to dominate their free time. Although the relationships between television, eating habits, nutrition and physical activity are complex, the recent rise in childhood obesity has been linked in part to time spent watching television. People who have anorexia often strongly deny that they have a problem. They don't see or believe that they do. It's usually up to their loved ones to get help for them. If you are worried about someone, you can look for certain signs.
People who have anorexia, Weigh much less than is healthy or normal, Are very afraid of gaining weight, Refuse to stay at a normal weight, Think