Due Date: Monday, October 27th (at the beginning of class)
Length: Six pages double-spaced with one inch margins excluding title page, references and exhibits. The final report must be submitted on the due date simultaneously in TWO WAYS: Submit as follows: 1) A traditional paper report to be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date, and 2) As an email to me in a single PDF file at amahajan@uwindsor.ca. Please send only one email per group. The papers should be in APA format and use at least five appropriate references (not Wikipedia or ask.com, etc.). Because some of the reports will be forwarded to Schukra, your student numbers should not be included on the electronic versions. You must submit your report using both methods in order to receive a grade for this assignment (electronic only submissions will not be accepted). Late assignments, at the instructor’s discretion, will either not be accepted or will be severely penalized.
A selection of the best or most interesting reports will be submitted to Schukra for discussion at the workshop. The teams with the very best submissions may be invited to briefly (no more than 3 - 5 minutes) present a summary of their suggestions to the Schukra Team during their session.
Workshop Date: Saturday, November 8th from 9:00-11:30 in Toldo Room 104
Schukra of North America Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leggett and Plat (NYSE: LEG) an S&P 500 Company. Schukra is an international leader in the manufacturing, development and assembly of seating components with a headquarters in Windsor, Ontario. The company has provided the following human resource scenarios that impact upon their Windsor-based worldwide automotive headquarters. They are asking you to address ONE of the scenarios according to your group number.
Your Assignment: To take the one issue that has been assigned to your group and write a report addressing the questions raised below the scenario.
SCENARIO 1: Recruiting in a Job Fair
The Situation:
The University of Windsor in partnership with St. Clair College has been hosting a series of Annual Job Fairs which provide participating companies with the opportunity to promote full-time, part-time and summer employment opportunities as well as available co-op placements and internship opportunities. The job fair also gives companies the opportunity to showcase what their company is all about and why they should be an employer of choice. We are part of a global automotive group and a business unit within an S&P 500 corporation. We provide a wide variety of professional career opportunities including, Engineering, Quality, Human Kinetics, Accounting, Sales & Marketing, Purchasing and Human Resources. We seek individuals with the right combination of academics, volunteer and related employment experience. We recognize that job experience is limited in an academic job fair, never-the-less; our representatives at the Job Fair will be seeking qualified candidates who will then be invited for formal employment interviews.
How should we present Schukra at the Job Fair to position Schukra as an “employer of choice” to potential applicants?
What metrics are appropriate to distinguish between students who are about to graduate and are seeking jobs from recent graduates who may have some relevant work experience?
Should we only target/assess students who are about to graduate? Is there any value in targeting students who are still 1 to 2 years from completing their degree?
Your Report should not exceed six pages in length (excluding title page, references and exhibits).
SCENARIO 2: Succession planning from scratch.
The Schukra salaried employee organization has increased by approximately 10% year-over-year from 2010 to date. We have 167 regular full time salaried employees. The rate of