Schizophrenia and Mayo Clinic Essays

Submitted By eesteban
Words: 674
Pages: 3

Psychology 101

Schizophrenia is a disorder that can be characterized by distortions of thinking and perception. Even though your ineffectual capacity is still there, some cognitive deficits could be seen over a period of time. Something called psychopathological phenomena is related and includes; your thought echo, your hallucinations, and your mind communicating with itself in third person. You will also see that you have many negative symptoms which could be your thought insertion or withdrawal used in your daily life. Schizophrenia can occur in anyone, anywhere around the world. It mainly is seen in younger ages between 16-25, and hits about 1% of the population. Schizophrenia has positive and negative symptoms. It deteriorates in social, occupational, or interpersonal relationships. Some of the positives signs are hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior, and positive formal thought disorder. The negatives could be alogia, affective flattening, or attentional impairment. (Invega Sustenna, August 2013) Emil Krapline found this illness early in life. It was a chronic disorder which received the name of “dementia praecox.” Another guy named Eugen Bleuler renamed Kraepline’s dementia praecox as schizophrenia in 1911. Kurt Schnider studied spizophrenia and the psychotic symptoms in which he saw hallucinations and delusions. There he named them as, “The First Ranked Symptoms." Bleuler stated that for the diagnosis of schizophrenia you needed to have affective blunting, disturbance of association, autism, and ambivalence. These groups of symptoms are called the “Four A’s.” Bleuler said they needed to be seen in a person in order to diagnosis someone with schizophrenia. The Four A's were concidered the “Primary Symptoms." The other known symptoms like hallucinations and delusions were the “Secondary Symptoms.” There are many things that you could see in someone with schizophrenia. They could be hearing their own thoughts or feel like someone else in in their head telling them what to do. They could have delusions and different perceptions on what they are seeing. They could also see someone else's thoughts voice telling them what they see when they really don't see anything different.. There would be possible Catatonic behavior where the person's mind is there but their body can't physically move for a period of times. They could even loose the interest in something that they would normally love doing. As well as the positive and negative symptoms. (Mayo Clinic, July 2013) Paranoid schizophrenia has feelings of passive or active control, and feelings of intrusion. The delusions are combined with hallucinogens where you hear voices and see things that aren't really there. The affects could lead to violation and speech and catatonic symptoms. Hebephrenic schizophrenia is where you