Schizophrenia and Grey Matter Areas Essay

Submitted By lidia9721
Words: 677
Pages: 3

Assignment 1: P1 Explain the nature of two named physiological disorders Schizophrenia is known as a long term mental disorder that causes a range of different psychological symptoms. The psychological symptoms can be hallucinations, delusions ,muddled thoughts based on the hallucinations or delusions and also change in behaviour.
The causes of schizophrenia are not completely understood or known. There is no known single cause of schizophrenia . Many diseases result from an interplay of genetic, behavioural and other factors such as environmental factors . As I said above schizophrenia can be caused by genetic factors , it’ more likely that different combinations of genes that make people more vulnerable to the condition , however having these genes doesn’t necessarily mean you will develop schizophrenia. The physiological changes as result of schizophrenia There are different types of physiological changes as result of schizophrenia such as:
 Social withdrawal
 Hostility or suspiciousness
 Deterioration of personal hygiene
 Inability to cry or express joy/ happiness
 Inappropriate laughter or crying
 Depression
 Strange use of words or way of speaking
There could also be some overall changes such as white matter. The white matter, also known as substantial alba, is a neuron that is made up of extending, militated nerve fibres, or axons. It composes the structures at the centre of the brain, like the thalamus and the hypothalamus. It is found between the brainstem and the cerebellum. It is the white matter that allows communication to and from grey matter areas, and between grey matter and the other parts of the body.
The physiological changes as result of schizophrenia treatment Schizophrenia can be treated , but this is not a condition that you can get rid of . This mental disorder is usually treated with individually tailored combination of therapy and medication. The NHS works together with the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence ( NICE) has produced guidelines for how people with schizophrenia should be cared for. NICE recommends anyone that provides a treatment and care for individuals with schizophrenia should ensure that they:
 develop a supportive relationship with patients and their carers
 explain causes and treatment options to everyone, keep clinical language to a minimum, and provide written information at every stage of the process
 enable easy access to assessment and treatment
 work with patients, and their families and carers if they agree, to write advance statements (see below) about their mental and physical healthcare  take into account the needs of the patient’s family or carers and offer a carers' assessment.
 encourage patients and their families and carers to join self-help and support group
Schizophrenia can also be treated through medication such as antipsychotics The main medicines used to treat