Department of Marketing
MK412 Brand Management
Individual Assignment Criteria for Assessment
Overall Assignment: Interpretation /Knowledge/Skills
The assignment demonstrates that the writer addresses the tasks set and at the same time develops a coherent line of argument in presenting analysis, recommendations for the company’s future branding strategies and conclusions (from the student’s own point of view):
Instructions in the assignment guidelines are carried out (e.g. answer Part A and B separately; analyse & present findings for
Part A; use findings from Part A and your research to formulate future branding strategies and recommendations for Part B)
The assignment sticks to the point and the argument(s) are logically developed.
There is evidence of sufficient time and effort reflected in the organisation, presentation and planning of the assignment.
There is evidence of good understanding and knowledge of the subject and theoretical principles, including insight and originality.
There is evidence of student’s initiative in relevant research and independent reading carried out (industry and academic).
Is able to apply this subject knowledge and theory in a practical way to the case company
Is able to demonstrate critical thought in analysing the company’s brand position and pres enting future branding strategies that are supported by knowledge and understanding of branding theories from the course
There is no value for repeating information p rovided in the case
Structure/Presentation Standards
Is well-presented: attention to formatting (double line spacing, 12 point letter size), and proof reading.
Use of English is correct, clear and formal (not using ‘I’ or text abbreviations).
Presents information and facts in an organised manner. The structure is clear and has appropriate linking, sequenci ng and signposting of analytical findings, conclusions, rationale for recommendations presented.
The assignment is to be answered in two parts, Part A and Part B
Is coherent and parts are linked together, linkages between analysis and recommendations clearly established.
Logical and systematic development of findings based on analysis conducted with recommendations convincingly justified.
Good number and wide variety of quality sources have been consulted