Austin Pitts
Dr. Irvin
Advanced Composition
24 October 2014
Necessary Evil
“Anger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is a monster that swallows it up.”-Mahatma Gandhi
What is pride? Pride can be many things; in perspective of “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst however pride is bitter-sweet. The narrator says “But all of us must have something or someone to be proud of, and Doodle had become mine. I did not know then that pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death.” (Hurst para 16) this illustrates that all of the actions he takes out of pride will bring both happiness and pain. Pride is necessary and bitter sweet, as it shows self-complacency, but also vanity.
Pride is defined as “pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself”. Doodle’s brother feels a very prominent sense of satisfaction when he teaches Doodle how to walk. He felt confident in his abilities to teach his handicapped younger brother. “Once I had succeeded on teaching Doodle to walk I began to believe in my own infallibility…” (Hurt Para 26). After helping Doodle overcome one of the biggest obstacles in his life he felt more important and capable. Pride in some cases can be a motivator to do what may seem impossible. However, if pride gets to you emotionally; it can do more harm than good. Vanity is defined as “excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.” As the
Frida Kahlo's InfluenceFrida Kahlo's Influence Frida Kahlo's influence still lingers around the world. Even with Frida dead for almost two decades, she is still celebrated and thought of as an idol. Frida Kahlo was an artist in many different ways. Besides Frida's incredible talent to paint surrealist thoughts and emotions on canvas, she also was and artist in her mind and body. Frida's attire of traditional Mexican clothing, which consisted of long, colorful dresses and exotic jewelry, and her thick…
“The Scarlet Ibis” The narrator is responsible for Doodle’s death because he was cruel towards Doodle, he was embarrassed of his brother and he didn’t care for his brother’s well-being. The narrator’s bad intentions for Doodle began at an early age, without even giving Doodle a chance, the narrator decided that he doesn’t like him because of his disability. He starts using Doodle’s disability against him to put him in uncomfortable situations. “One day I took him up to the barn… and showed him his…
The novel 1984, written by George Orwell, is a fascinating political story about a totalitarian government. The main character, Winston Smith, is a man who is against the Party and tries to rebel in many different ways. One way he does so is by socializing with another woman named Julia. He gets himself caught with Julia by a telescreen and eventually they both are taken to the Ministry of Love, getting tortured on the way there. Although this book has a mind-grasping plot to follow, it also holds…
The scarlet Ibis and the short story love possess some similarities and differences. The similarities lie mainly in the foreshadowing and diction. In both of these story throughout the piece the narrator use their diction to foreshadow death. The author, William Hurst of the short story love foreshadows he death the narrator teacher, Miss Vera Brown, from the beginning. The author uses phrases like graven in stone and “belonged to her illness” to describe the narrator’s teacher. When hearing the…
in “The Scarlet Ibis” how death will come to everyone. In “Death in the Sickroom” by Edvard Munch he shows how death happens. In “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst and in “Death in the Sickroom” by Edvard Munch both the author and the artist use imagery to portray the theme of death. The author of “The Scarlet Ibis” James Hurst uses imagery to show the theme of death. One example of imagery is “It was the clove of seasons, summer was dead but autumn had not yet been born, that the ibis lit in the…
lessons. In this short story unit, I have read countless short stories that I thoroughly had a pleasure reading, but I had a few favorites. Three exceptional and extremely meaningful short stories I read this unit are the “Bishop’s Silver,” the “Scarlet Ibis,” and “Two Kinds.” First, the “Bishop’s Silver” is clearly a superb short story. It is written by Victor Hugo. In this short story, a bishop allows Jean Valijean to stay in his house. Jean Valijean is known as a thief around town and everyone…
“The Scarlet Ibis,” by James Hurst share many significant similarities. Both stories revolve around a pair of companions, bound together by family ties, love and loyalty. George Milton and Lennie Small are the protagonists in Steinbeck’s novel. They are migrant workers who travel together in California during the 1930s. Due to Lennie’s mental shortcomings, he creates a lot of conflict for the pair, who share an idealistic hope for their future. Likewise, the narrator of “The Scarlet Ibis” is the…
snapped at her, and she became upset. I affected her in a negative way by one action I made. Just like me, many other people affect others in their lives. In “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, Walter affects others and gets impacted as well. In “The Scarlet Ibis”, Doodle influences his own family in a great way. Finally, in the novel “Whirligig”, Brent impacted many, many people. My point is, the choices we make and the actions we take will always affect someone in a negative or positive way. In the story…
Grammar: 1. “Empty” language Examples a. “The use of literary devices reveals the deeper meaning of the story and highlights the theme.” State the theme and the deeper meaning you have uncovered! b. “Themes play a powerful role in “The Scarlet Ibis” c. This simile illuminates the meaning of the story. d. Literary devices such as foreshadowing and metaphors illustrate the theme throughout the text 2. Contractions—don’t=do not, isn’t=is not etc. 3. Unclear Sentences—If a sentence ever…
characters or forces. Conflict creates tension and interest in a story by adding doubt as to the outcome. Here, conflict will divide in three stories in three types. Man vs. man, Man vs. society, Man vs. nature in this stories: After 20 years, the scarlet ibis, and A letter from Gazza. First, After Twenty Years Author: O Henry Inner conflict: The protagonist and antagonist is between two friends and they are really respect each other…